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  2014-05-24 08:18:30

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» FTalkWhiz
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Unforgettable Quotes from books!

[quote]“I wake up thinking of yesterday. The joy is in remembering; the pain is in knowing it was yesterday.”[/quote] David Levithan, Everyday [quote]“When first love ends, most people eventually know there will be more to come. They are not through with love. Love is not through with them. It will never be the same as the first, but it will be better in different ways. I have no such consolation. This is why I cling so hard. This is why this is so hard.”[/quote] David Levithan, Everyday [quote]“The pleasure of remembering had been taken from me, because there was no longer anyone to remember with. It felt like losing your co-rememberer meant losing the memory itself, as if the things we’d done were less real and important than they had been hours before.”[/quote] John Green, The Fault In Our Stars [quote]“If you hear a song that makes you cry and you don’t want to cry anymore, you don’t listen to that song anymore. But you can’t get away from yourself. You can’t decide not to see yourself anymore. You can’t decide to turn off the noise in your head"[/quote] Jay Asher, Thirteen Reasons Why

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