[quote=bianx;#417018;1402019037]^really, you are gonna watch it again in theaters?.. Well for me, i would just wait for it on starmovies or hbo. I just think i know the novel too well so there is no need to watch the movie over and over again inside the movie house.

yeah.. You're right about the car near to die augustus scene. I think something's missing there. And actually... The whole movie missed a lot hahahah[/quote]
Probably, if some friends wanted to watch it with me again hahaha. And, Rob Magnolia's cinema screen is little dilim.
Yah. That, too. I was kinda thinking about the book while watching the movie. Nonetheless, it's an adaptation, they really could tweak a bit. And I think John Green didn't mind. And maybe 2 hours isn't enough for the whole book.

Hahaha but it's still a tear-jerker, and I love them all. Haha.
But the car scene. Ughhh. I cried so much when I read it, but it's bitin in the movie

I would like to download, though, the uncut version (whenever it's available), where John Green did a cameo. Hahahaha.