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The Fault in Our Stars

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Re: The Fault in Our Stars

[quote=bianx;#417018;1402019037]^really, you are gonna watch it again in theaters?.. Well for me, i would just wait for it on starmovies or hbo. I just think i know the novel too well so there is no need to watch the movie over and over again inside the movie house. :lol3: yeah.. You're right about the car near to die augustus scene. I think something's missing there. And actually... The whole movie missed a lot hahahah[/quote] Probably, if some friends wanted to watch it with me again hahaha. And, Rob Magnolia's cinema screen is little dilim. Yah. That, too. I was kinda thinking about the book while watching the movie. Nonetheless, it's an adaptation, they really could tweak a bit. And I think John Green didn't mind. And maybe 2 hours isn't enough for the whole book. :lol3: Hahaha but it's still a tear-jerker, and I love them all. Haha. But the car scene. Ughhh. I cried so much when I read it, but it's bitin in the movie :lol2: I would like to download, though, the uncut version (whenever it's available), where John Green did a cameo. Hahahaha.
 Aya Shirayuki
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Re: The Fault in Our Stars

[spoiler][quote=Dayannn;#417014;1402018446]I don't know if it's just me, but I hope they kinda showed more from the car scene, when Gus was in the gas station. Idk.[/quote] That was the scene na I felt nakulangan ako! I'm like why aren't they showing how disgusting Gus was at the gas station or the time he peed his own pants. I thought that was important.[/spoiler] [quote=Dayannn;#417024;1402022781]Hahaha but it's still a tear-jerker, and I love them all. Haha.[/quote] The first few seconds of the film I was already teary eyed. :lol3: [quote=bianx;#417018;1402019037]It is funny that my friends and i watched the movie just to criticize it hahahaha[/quote] I love the movie but it failed to wow me. :< Unlike the book, it was fantasticccccccc. I cried so much when I read the book! The movie failed to make me choke and drip snot out of my nose. :lol3:

Last edited by aya (2014-06-06 02:11:32)

 Megumi Kairi
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Re: The Fault in Our Stars

The car scene is bitin agreed hahahahaha! A lot of scenes are bitin -.- [quote=aya;#417046;1402033923]The first few seconds of the film I was already teary eyed. :lol3: [quote=bianx;#417018;1402019037]It is funny that my friends and i watched the movie just to criticize it hahahaha[/quote] I love the movie but it failed to wow me. :< Unlike the book, it was fantasticccccccc. I cried so much when I read the book! The movie failed to make me choke and drip snot out of my nose. :lol3:[/quote] Hahahahaha! Teary eyed agaaaad?! I also loved the movie ^0^ but not a lot. What i love about the movie is that, the characters have had connect to the audience like the characters in the book did. What scene of the book has made you burst into tears? How do you find those scenes in the movie? _____________________________________________________ [spoiler]Did you guys notice how fast they were saying their lines in the first few scenes? It is like they are just reading the book hahaha. And yes, the book is way more fantastic than the movie. And i just think they did not need to alter the ending that much, because that is where i realized how amazing the story was - in the ending[/spoiler] If you're gonna rate the movie guys, what are your ratings? Would you still recommend this movie to others? Y or y not?

Last edited by bianx (2014-06-06 07:00:09)

 Aya Shirayuki
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Re: The Fault in Our Stars

[quote=bianx;#417144;1402051389]What scene of the book has made you burst into tears? How do you find those scenes in the movie?[/quote] You know, I just realized what was wrong with the movie. :lol: I realized that I've been comparing the movie with the scenes I've pictured in my head and have come to the conclusion that I got disappointed because the scenes in my head were so much better. It was more dramatic and more beautiful than the movie. :lol3::lol3: When Augustus confessed to Hazel that he was dying, it made my heart ached so bad but the movie failed to capture that. In the [i]novel[/i] I felt very sad for Augustus (consecutive sick days, malfunctioning g-tube, pissing on his bed scene, AWESOME GUY turning into someone you can't recognize anymore) It's like the movie was trying to make the viewers remember him as Gus the cool and charismatic guy, not Gus who bit it from cancer. The movie thought it could compensate by putting flashbacks of Augustus near the ending. Frankly, it did make me teary eyed BUT it wasn't enough. HAHAHAHA. Nice try. I'll recommend other people to read the book and skip the movie. :lol3: But I'd totally understand if they want to see it on film too. It [i]is[/i] a great book.
 Megumi Kairi
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Re: The Fault in Our Stars

[quote=aya;#417250;1402170468]You know, I just realized what was wrong with the movie. :lol: I realized that [b]I've been comparing the movie with the scenes I've pictured in my head and have come to the conclusion that I got disappointed because the scenes in my head were so much better. It was more dramatic and more beautiful than the movie. :lol3::lol3: [/b] When Augustus confessed to Hazel that he was dying, it made my heart ached so bad but the movie failed to capture that. In the [i]novel[/i] I felt very sad for Augustus (consecutive sick days, malfunctioning g-tube, pissing on his bed scene, AWESOME GUY turning into someone you can't recognize anymore) It's like the movie was trying to make the viewers remember him as Gus the cool and charismatic guy, not Gus who bit it from cancer. The movie thought it could compensate by putting flashbacks of Augustus near the ending. Frankly, it did make me teary eyed BUT it wasn't enough. HAHAHAHA. Nice try. I'll recommend other people to read the book and skip the movie. :lol3: But I'd totally understand if they want to see it on film too. It [i]is[/i] a great book.[/quote] [b]exactly how i felt[/b] :lol3: can't say more. You totally emphasized every single thing i would like to say. Hahahaha. Nice review :thumbsup: At least our long wait for the movie is now over. :lol2: and we ended up being disappointed hahahaha
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Re: The Fault in Our Stars

[quote=aya;#417046;1402033923]That was the scene na I felt nakulangan ako! I'm like why aren't they showing how disgusting Gus was at the gas station or the time he peed his own pants. I thought that was important[/quote] I waited for that scene [i]pa naman[/i] :lol3::lol3: [quote=bianx;#417144;1402051389]What scene of the book has made you burst into tears? How do you find those scenes in the movie?[/quote] That scene in the gas station [i]talaga[/i]. I felt it was [i]nadaanan lang[/i]. And the pre-funeral. Cried a river when I read the book and when I watched it :D There were a lot of scenes that I looked for, which were not shown in the film. Like, the [i]"Lonely, Vaguely Pedophilic Swing Set Seeks the Butts of Children"[/i] scene (haha :lol2:) and that scene after Gus' death when Hazel Grace called his phone but it was only the voice mail she heard and not Gus. Idk, I find that emotional. I wasn't really that disappointed after watching it. I felt the feels pa rin naman, but not too much feels. But I still liked it.
 Aya Shirayuki
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Re: The Fault in Our Stars

[quote=Dayannn;#417261;1402206636]I waited for that scene pa naman :lol3::lol3:[/quote] I was waiting for a lot of scenes. :lol3: -Gus telling her that she looks like V for Vendetta Natalie Portman -Gus writing his number on a Max Mayhem book -Eating outside Oranjee and the wind blowing seeds of elm trees & "The beautiful couple is beautiful." [quote=Dayannn;#417261;1402206636]"Lonely, Vaguely Pedophilic Swing Set Seeks the Butts of Children"[/quote] This. I didn't mind Gus losing his older sisters or Hazel losing Kaitlyn (But I sort of wanted to see Caroline Mathers) I am okay without the little girl trying on Hazel's nubbins scene and Hazel checking out Gus' profile and reading the condolence messages, I'm also okay with Gus fetching Hazel and Mrs. Lancaster on a limo but I wanted to see a bit of the airport scene.

Last edited by aya (2014-06-08 04:26:33)

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Re: The Fault in Our Stars

[quote=aya;#417264;1402208752]-Gus writing his number on a Max Mayhem book[/quote] Yesssss! While watching the scene, in my mind I was "why the hell is Gus not writing anything in the book!!!" :lol3::lol3: [quote=aya;#417264;1402208752]I am okay without the girl trying on Hazel's nubbins scene.[/quote] They cut this. Huhu. John Green was the dad of the little girl. But he told them to just cut the scene. There were a lot of missing scenes. :lol2:
 Megumi Kairi
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Re: The Fault in Our Stars

Same sentiments :lol3: Well i do have one question about that scene where hazel grace and gus texted one another. That scene suppose to be the scene where hazel grace found out gus has written his number on his book, right? But in the movie, i just didn't get it. Did gus just texted hazel then?... That is it? What happened there? Hehehehe And am i the only one waited for the scene where hazel grace told that the space between the calls is like their private place? :lol2: that is my most fav part on that chap and the movie missed it. And the dinner date scene, my friends and i expected it to be more romantic than it was in the movie. Hahaha but we cried on the pre funeral scene.... We liked it hehehe and the part where i cried a lot is when hazel doesnt want to eat and she told her mother hurting words, huhuhu i can relate hahaha it is just how i imagined it while reading the book. That is my most fav scene in the movie hihi

Last edited by bianx (2014-06-08 09:43:46)

 Aya Shirayuki
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Re: The Fault in Our Stars

[quote=bianx;#417310;1402234942]Well i do have one question about that scene where hazel grace and gus texted one another. That scene suppose to be the scene where hazel grace found out gus has written his number on his book, right? But in the movie, i just didn't get it. Did gus just texted hazel then?... That is it? What happened there? Hehehehe[/quote] Maybe they've exchanged numbers off cam :lol3: [quote=bianx;#417310;1402234942]And am i the only one waited for the scene where hazel grace told that the space between the calls is like their private place? :lol2: that is my most fav part on that chap and the movie missed it.[/quote] I didn't wait for it. :lol3: [quote=bianx;#417310;1402234942]That is my most fav scene in the movie hihi[/quote] Can you believe that my fave scene was Isaac breaking Gus' trophies? HAHAHHAHAHAHA.
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Re: The Fault in Our Stars

[quote=Dayannn;#417269;1402212294]There were a lot of missing scenes.[/quote] I'm waiting for the Blu-Ray because I'm hoping that some of the scenes they shot but were cut would be included. :swt:
 Megumi Kairi
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Re: The Fault in Our Stars

[quote=aya;#417311;1402240667][quote=bianx;#417310;1402234942]Well i do have one question about that scene where hazel grace and gus texted one another. That scene suppose to be the scene where hazel grace found out gus has written his number on his book, right? But in the movie, i just didn't get it. Did gus just texted hazel then?... That is it? What happened there? Hehehehe[/quote] Maybe they've exchanged numbers off cam :lol3: [quote=bianx;#417310;1402234942]And am i the only one waited for the scene where hazel grace told that the space between the calls is like their private place? :lol2: that is my most fav part on that chap and the movie missed it.[/quote] I didn't wait for it. :lol3: [quote=bianx;#417310;1402234942]That is my most fav scene in the movie hihi[/quote] Can you believe that my fave scene was Isaac breaking Gus' trophies? HAHAHHAHAHAHA.[/quote] Hahahahahahahahahaha! Baliw. That's a breakthrough scene for isaac :lol2: i liked it when he kicked the tv set first hahahaha
 Aya Shirayuki
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Re: The Fault in Our Stars

[quote=bianx;#417384;1402308097]Hahahahahahahahahaha! Baliw. That's a breakthrough scene for isaac :lol2: i liked it when he kicked the tv set first hahahaha[/quote] And when he grabbed Gus' huge trophy like Oh. my. God. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA. Rly hilarious.
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Re: The Fault in Our Stars

Watched it finally. Cried on the eulogy part. Damn.
 Aya Shirayuki
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Re: The Fault in Our Stars

[quote=Pawws;#418095;1402944529]Watched it finally. Cried on the eulogy part. Damn.[/quote] Muffled or you rly bawl'd? :lol3:
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Re: The Fault in Our Stars

[quote=aya;#418101;1402987333]Muffled or you rly bawl'd? :lol3:[/quote] I didn't. There were just tears forming my eyes and I had to slowly wipe it... feeling bida sa teleserye lang ang peg. :lol2: Also BECAUSE the teenagers in front of me were adi weeping and bawling their eyes out, even their guy friend was crying.. I can't help but just happycry at the moment. :lol3: But that eulogy part though was very heartbreaking. The other scenes weren't very cry-worthy.
 Aya Shirayuki
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Re: The Fault in Our Stars

[quote=Pawws;#418257;1403158234]even their guy friend was crying..[/quote] You sure that was a guy? :lol2::lol2::xixi: [quote=Pawws;#418257;1403158234]But that eulogy part though was very heartbreaking[/quote] Funny, didn't cry at the eulogy part. :plotting: @Tres, did you cry? :lol3:
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