Same sentiments

Well i do have one question about that scene where hazel grace and gus texted one another. That scene suppose to be the scene where hazel grace found out gus has written his number on his book, right? But in the movie, i just didn't get it. Did gus just texted hazel then?... That is it? What happened there? Hehehehe
And am i the only one waited for the scene where hazel grace told that the space between the calls is like their private place?

that is my most fav part on that chap and the movie missed it.
And the dinner date scene, my friends and i expected it to be more romantic than it was in the movie. Hahaha but we cried on the pre funeral scene.... We liked it hehehe and the part where i cried a lot is when hazel doesnt want to eat and she told her mother hurting words, huhuhu i can relate hahaha it is just how i imagined it while reading the book. That is my most fav scene in the movie hihi
Last edited by bianx (2014-06-08 09:43:46)