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  2014-06-06 06:43:09

 Megumi Kairi
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Re: The Fault in Our Stars

The car scene is bitin agreed hahahahaha! A lot of scenes are bitin -.- [quote=aya;#417046;1402033923]The first few seconds of the film I was already teary eyed. :lol3: [quote=bianx;#417018;1402019037]It is funny that my friends and i watched the movie just to criticize it hahahaha[/quote] I love the movie but it failed to wow me. :< Unlike the book, it was fantasticccccccc. I cried so much when I read the book! The movie failed to make me choke and drip snot out of my nose. :lol3:[/quote] Hahahahaha! Teary eyed agaaaad?! I also loved the movie ^0^ but not a lot. What i love about the movie is that, the characters have had connect to the audience like the characters in the book did. What scene of the book has made you burst into tears? How do you find those scenes in the movie? _____________________________________________________ [spoiler]Did you guys notice how fast they were saying their lines in the first few scenes? It is like they are just reading the book hahaha. And yes, the book is way more fantastic than the movie. And i just think they did not need to alter the ending that much, because that is where i realized how amazing the story was - in the ending[/spoiler] If you're gonna rate the movie guys, what are your ratings? Would you still recommend this movie to others? Y or y not?

Last edited by bianx (2014-06-06 07:00:09)

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