[quote=Dayannn;#417261;1402206636]I waited for that scene pa naman

I was waiting for a lot of scenes.

-Gus telling her that she looks like V for Vendetta Natalie Portman
-Gus writing his number on a Max Mayhem book
-Eating outside Oranjee and the wind blowing seeds of elm trees & "The beautiful couple is beautiful."
[quote=Dayannn;#417261;1402206636]"Lonely, Vaguely Pedophilic Swing Set Seeks the Butts of Children"[/quote]
I didn't mind Gus losing his older sisters or Hazel losing Kaitlyn (But I sort of wanted to see Caroline Mathers)
I am okay without the little girl trying on Hazel's nubbins scene and Hazel checking out Gus' profile and reading the condolence messages,
I'm also okay with Gus fetching Hazel and Mrs. Lancaster on a limo but I wanted to see a bit of the airport scene.
Last edited by aya (2014-06-08 04:26:33)