[quote=michelle;#429494;1426687043]I know it was really mean but I was just a kid so pls forgive me

Hahahaha! I know that feeling you get when you want other people to do something they aren't suppose to do and they don't even know it. Like how my kuya #2 offered my kuya #1 some ice candy. Normally the two don't really get along so it was weird that kuya#2 was being nice to kuya#1.
What kuya#1 didn't know was that kuya#2 put the ice candy [b]under his armpits[/b] earlier that day to show us that no one else can eat it aside from himself.

(Kuya#1 wasn't there when kuya#2 did that)
When kuya#1 was already licking his ice candy, kuya#2 was laughing like a lunatic. Kuya#1 thought kuya#2 was going crazy. Actually we were all stunned why he was laughing so hard. That's when we remembered the armpit thingy and I just didn't have the heart to tell kuya#1 when he was enjoying his ice candy very much.

This happened last year, and they're on adi their late 30s.