I thought this was a height-related thread.

I can say that i've grown a lot these past few years although it did take a while. Ten years ago, i was a selfish, arrogant and self-righteous person. In my mind, i'm always right and if bad consequences come out of my decisions it would be because of other people or the government. I would never blame myself. Three years ago, i was a wreck. I am not so sure of myself, which direction i am going and where i'll end up. I was at the lowest point in my life although i've toned down my arrogance and haughtiness. Now, i'm pretty sure of my purpose in life and how i'll work to be at the top of my existence. I have a sense of fulfillment everyday and even though i'm not what a capitalist country would consider as a succesful person but i am exactly where i want to be. I'm happy and thankful everyday. *ray of sunlight beaming from the heavens and petals of roses floating by*
Last edited by bubblegum (2015-04-04 06:25:09)