[quote=akosiloys;#45059;1336317909]Yeah. I'm forever in love with Taemin. Next would be Chanyeol. LOL~[/quote]
Lucky you. I have so many biases my heart would drop if they all come here at once.
[quote=akosiloys;#45059;1336317909]OMG. You were there! I also went to U-Kiss' malltours. Both SM North and Megamall.
I was assigned to Dongho. alskdjaksdjalsdjka. I shaked his hands and he asked me so many things but I wasn't able to answer cause I was totally in awe and was starstrucked. Hahaha. Poor maknae. Anyway, while I was heading off the stage, Soohyun suddenly called me and grabbed my album. He shaked my hand and omgwtf, i don't know what happened next. HAHAHA. They are all so handsome. I can't even! falskjkldjla.[/quote]
I was in SM Clark at that time(because I live in Nueva Ecija). So there were like booths there? In Clark you will meet and greet with all of them. So bad that I only got a picture with Soohyun, he's the first in the line and after that I was instantly sent to heaven and I can't seem to be my proper self.
Lucky you, when I was in Dongho's front he only said Annyeong he seo. Thank you for coming.
Xander was the talkative one. He asked how I was doing and thanked me for coming and waiting.
eli's hands are.....

[quote=akosiloys;#45059;1336317909]I'm lucky I was able to watch Super Show 3 (I was with Push)[/quote]
I went there the night of SS3 but just to pick up some purchases. Not a fan of SuJu, really. Just donghae!

[quote=HaruhiSDTY;#45084;1336318270]WHATTHE!~ ANOTHER LUCKY GIRL~
Y U able to see them in person? lol
btw, who's that guy you're with? I can't recognize him.[/quote]
They had a mall tour back then in 2009.
That was Soohyun.
[quote=akosiloys;#45059;1336317909]And I have already seen Kim Hyun Joong on his fanmeet in Trinoma. He's so henseeeem~[/quote]
OH? Lucky you! I really wanted to go there, but I'll be dropped in my PE class if I won't go, so I didn't go to trinoma.

[quote=SuperNix;#45108;1336318632]Didn’t buy his album But we were just so maparaan and stayed at the left side of the stage where Jay’s going up and down the stage. Gdi He was less than a meter away from us I’m uploading my fancams but it would be so embarrassing you guys can hear me curse a lot ROFL And my pictures were crappy. But here are some pretty decent photos but still not decent because I’m just using a digital camera lmao[/quote]
ohh! that's great! a fan girl always has her ways!

did he remove his shirt? any abs scene????
Even in meeting Korean friends, I have become more alert.
[quote=HaruhiSDTY;#45109;1336318644]Hours of travel to Manila + My parents won't allow me even if I have the money = FOREVER NO SUPER SHOW FOR ME T_____T[/quote]
My prob when I was still in hs.
Last edited by Lynn (2012-05-06 11:50:17)