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KPOP Thread

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Re: KPOP Thread

[quote=Lynn;#45035;1336317129]OHhhhh! THAT! Why didn't I recognize him there! OMG![/quote] I do recognize him in that vid the first time I saw it, but others also have the same case as you. lol [quote=Lynn;#45046;1336317549]I've only seen U-Kiss and ZE:APictures[/quote] WHATTHE!~ ANOTHER LUCKY GIRL~ Y U able to see them in person? lol btw, who's that guy you're with? I can't recognize him. [quote=akosiloys;#45059;1336317909]I was lucky I was able to watch Super Show 3. And I have already seen Kim Hyun Joong. He's so henseeeem~[/quote] And this! WHAAAAAAA. Sooooo lucky you saw my Heechul already. T_T
 Lois Chan ♔
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Re: KPOP Thread

[quote=HaruhiSDTY;#45084;1336318270]btw, who's that guy you're with? I can't recognize him.[/quote] That's Soohyun from U-Kiss :xixi: [quote=HaruhiSDTY;#45084;1336318270]And this! WHAAAAAAA. Sooooo lucky you saw my Heechul already. T_T[/quote] Waaah. Why did you not watch? Huhuhu. It was so epic and I wished that time would stop. Huhuhu. That's the most memorable concert I've been to! :crybaby:

Last edited by akosiloys (2012-05-06 11:35:17)

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Re: KPOP Thread

[quote=Lynn;#44994;1336316448]you’re included in the meet and greet? or the CD Signing?? Aww! Lucky you! Me too, I’m not a big fan, but ohhhh… the hotness and the excitement. I envy youuuuu! Pictures!!!![/quote] Didn’t buy his album :xixi::xixi: But we were just so [i]maparaan[/i] and stayed at the left side of the stage where Jay’s going up and down the stage. Gdi He was less than a meter away from us :drool2::drool2::drool2::drool2: I’m uploading my fancams but it would be so embarrassing you guys can hear me curse a lot ROFL :lol3::lol3::lol3::lol3: And my pictures were crappy. But here are some pretty decent photos but still not decent because I’m just using a digital camera lmao :eh: [spoiler]Jay Park. this photo did not give him justice OTL [img][/img] Jay Park’s back up dancer. We call him Chanyeol because of his hair lol [img][/img] The stair where he goes up and down LOL [img][/img][/spoiler] [quote=HaruhiSDTY;#45002;1336316555]AWWWWW LUCKY GIRL!~ I wish I could see him too, with his friend Ryan Higa lol[/quote] Best day of 2012 so far :xixi::xixi::xixi: [quote=akosiloys;#45037;1336317142]Lol. Me too. Just by seeing gifs of them hugging each other, it makes me cry! SMTown Family is really precious! XD[/quote] I feel the same way :cry::cry: [quote=Lynn;#44994;1336316448]And I just realized, Kpop has changed my views, whether it's my bias or not, if some KPop group goes here in the Philippines or my friends had an encounter with a K idol, I'd really get excited. Just sharing.[/quote] Same!!!! :lala::lala::lala::lala: [quote=akosiloys;#45037;1336317142]Anyway, speaking of Jay Park's fanmeet. Have you guys seen other KPOP Artists in flesh? Share your stories![/quote] [quote=akosiloys;#45059;1336317909]I'm lucky I was able to watch Super Show 3 (I was with Push) And I have already seen Kim Hyun Joong on his fanmeet in Trinoma. He's so henseeeem~[/quote] First Korean idols I saw is U-KISS. I watched their First Kiss Tour :xixi: Then Super Junior in Super Show 3. The ozmest day of my fangirl life so far. Hahahahaha! Everything was rainbows and unicorns. :giggle: I also saw Kim Hyunjoong in TriNoma and met Lois there. Now Jay park :lala::lala: [url=]LAY EXO M with SHINee Ring Ding Dong[/url] I can't recognize him .__. i'll reply tmr guys. Goodnight!!! <3333

Last edited by SuperNix (2012-05-06 11:40:52)

HaruhiSDTY's display avatar
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Re: KPOP Thread

[quote=akosiloys;#45096;1336318452]That's Soohyun from U-Kiss[/quote] OOHHHH. I thought he's from ZE:A lol. *not really a U-KISS and ZE:A fan* [quote=akosiloys;#45096;1336318452]Waaah. Why did you not watch? Huhuhu. It was so epic and I wished that time would stop. Huhuhu. That's the most memorable concert I've been too![/quote] Lack of money + Hours of travel to Manila + I don't have any KPOP/E.L.F friend to be with + My parents won't allow me even if I have the money = FOREVER NO SUPER SHOW FOR ME T_____T
 Lois Chan ♔
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Re: KPOP Thread

[quote=SuperNix;#45108;1336318632]First Korean idols I saw is U-KISS. I watched their First Kiss Tour Then Super Junior in Super Show 3. The ozmest day of my fangirl life so far. Hahahahaha! Everything was rainbows and unicorns. I also saw Kim Hyunjoong in TriNoma and met Lois there. Now Jay park[/quote] Epic! Hahaha. You should've also watched 2AM when they went here! Haaa. SS3 is so daebak. I can relate! zomgalsdjalskdjasldja. [quote=SuperNix;#45108;1336318632]LAY EXO M with SHINee Ring Ding Dong I can't recognize him .__.[/quote] OMG. IM CRYING. MAKES ME MISS MY SHINeeBBS T^T LOL. I didn't recognize Lay at first. Fck the cameraman. He's making my head spin -___- [quote=HaruhiSDTY;#45109;1336318644]Lack of money + Hours of travel to Manila + I don't have any KPOP/E.L.F friend to be with + My parents won't allow me even if I have the money = FOREVER NO SUPER SHOW FOR ME T_____[/quote] Oh. Let's pray for a super show here once they're all back and let's all watch together! :D

Last edited by akosiloys (2012-05-06 11:49:18)

 Lynn Reyes
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Re: KPOP Thread

[quote=akosiloys;#45059;1336317909]Yeah. I'm forever in love with Taemin. Next would be Chanyeol. LOL~[/quote] Lucky you. I have so many biases my heart would drop if they all come here at once. [quote=akosiloys;#45059;1336317909]OMG. You were there! I also went to U-Kiss' malltours. Both SM North and Megamall. I was assigned to Dongho. alskdjaksdjalsdjka. I shaked his hands and he asked me so many things but I wasn't able to answer cause I was totally in awe and was starstrucked. Hahaha. Poor maknae. Anyway, while I was heading off the stage, Soohyun suddenly called me and grabbed my album. He shaked my hand and omgwtf, i don't know what happened next. HAHAHA. They are all so handsome. I can't even! falskjkldjla.[/quote] I was in SM Clark at that time(because I live in Nueva Ecija). So there were like booths there? In Clark you will meet and greet with all of them. So bad that I only got a picture with Soohyun, he's the first in the line and after that I was instantly sent to heaven and I can't seem to be my proper self. Lucky you, when I was in Dongho's front he only said Annyeong he seo. Thank you for coming. Xander was the talkative one. He asked how I was doing and thanked me for coming and waiting. eli's hands are..... :run2: and unfortunately, my CD, that was SIGNED BY ALL OF THEM GOT LOST IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE. [quote=akosiloys;#45059;1336317909]I'm lucky I was able to watch Super Show 3 (I was with Push)[/quote] I went there the night of SS3 but just to pick up some purchases. Not a fan of SuJu, really. Just donghae! :) [quote=HaruhiSDTY;#45084;1336318270]WHATTHE!~ ANOTHER LUCKY GIRL~ Y U able to see them in person? lol btw, who's that guy you're with? I can't recognize him.[/quote] They had a mall tour back then in 2009. That was Soohyun. [quote=akosiloys;#45059;1336317909]And I have already seen Kim Hyun Joong on his fanmeet in Trinoma. He's so henseeeem~[/quote] OH? Lucky you! I really wanted to go there, but I'll be dropped in my PE class if I won't go, so I didn't go to trinoma. :crybaby::crybaby: [quote=SuperNix;#45108;1336318632]Didn’t buy his album But we were just so maparaan and stayed at the left side of the stage where Jay’s going up and down the stage. Gdi He was less than a meter away from us I’m uploading my fancams but it would be so embarrassing you guys can hear me curse a lot ROFL And my pictures were crappy. But here are some pretty decent photos but still not decent because I’m just using a digital camera lmao[/quote] ohh! that's great! a fan girl always has her ways! :yes: did he remove his shirt? any abs scene???? [quote=SuperNix;#45108;1336318632]Same!!!![/quote] Even in meeting Korean friends, I have become more alert. [quote=HaruhiSDTY;#45109;1336318644]Hours of travel to Manila + My parents won't allow me even if I have the money = FOREVER NO SUPER SHOW FOR ME T_____T[/quote] My prob when I was still in hs. :(

Last edited by Lynn (2012-05-06 11:50:17)

 Lois Chan ♔
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Re: KPOP Thread

[quote=Lynn;#45149;1336319114]Lucky you. I have so many biases my heart would drop if they all come here at once.[/quote] and so will my wallet. Hahaha. Being a fangirl is very expensive. LOL~ [quote=Lynn;#45149;1336319114]I was in SM Clark at that time(because I live in Nueva Ecija). So there were like booths there? In Clark you will meet and greet with all of them. So bad that I only got a picture with Soohyun, he's the first in the line and after that I was instantly sent to heaven and I can't seem to be my proper self. Lucky you, when I was in Dongho's front he only said Annyeong he seo. Thank you for coming. Xander was the talkative one. He asked how I was doing and thanked me for coming and waiting. eli's hands are..... and unfortunately, my CD, that was SIGNED BY ALL OF THEM GOT LOST IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE.[/quote] OMG. You are so lucky, you were able to talk to them one by one. While we were only assigned to one member. I'm though, I got two (Soohyun and Dongho). And where did you put your album? Waaaaah. Sayang! T__T [quote=Lynn;#45149;1336319114]OH? Lucky you! I really wanted to go there, but I'll be dropped in my PE class if I won't go, so I didn't go to trinoma.[/quote] Oh. Don't worry, I think he'll come back here again. :xixi:
HaruhiSDTY's display avatar
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Re: KPOP Thread

[quote=SuperNix;#45108;1336318632]Best day of 2012 so far[/quote] Yeah, I can see that with that picture where that back up dancer is so close to you. WOOOOOWWW! *lol, why is there so many 'thats' in my sentence? lol sorry for my bad English. XDD* [quote=akosiloys;#45141;1336319020]Oh. Let's pray for a super show here once they're all back and let's all watch together![/quote] UN. Hope they will be back here once again. Always keep the faith. Hahahahaha. HWAITING~! [quote=Lynn;#45149;1336319114]My prob when I was still in hs.[/quote] I'm an upcoming college freshman and maybe I can go to mall tours or concerts now *and I'm sure I'll be able to meet fangirls/fanboys na*. But the only problem now is....... MY PARENTS' APPROVAL. T_T

Last edited by HaruhiSDTY (2012-05-06 12:06:59)

 Lynn Reyes
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Re: KPOP Thread

[quote=akosiloys;#45244;1336319818]and so will my wallet. Hahaha. Being a fangirl is very expensive. LOL~[/quote] yeaaah! that's why I have seperate "ipon" for my fangirling stuff. I always have an emergency fund if ever my biases would have a concert here. So that I'll be the first one to get those VIP tix. [quote=akosiloys;#45244;1336319818]OMG. You are so lucky, you were able to talk to them one by one. While we were only assigned to one member. I'm though, I got two (Soohyun and Dongho). And where did you put your album? Waaaaah. Sayang! T__T[/quote] There were only a thousand who came to Clark. So almost everyone who bought the CD got to meet them all. [i]Dagsa kasi ang tao pag sa Manila.[/i] I know. :( A lot og my Korean albums are nowhere to be found. That's a punishment for me for being hiatus in Kpop for almost a year.. :crybaby::crybaby: [quote=akosiloys;#45244;1336319818]Oh. Don't worry, I think he'll come back here again.[/quote] I really wish. :( I think the next time he'll go here would be for a concert.
» FTalkGeek
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Re: KPOP Thread

[quote=SuperNix;#44967;1336315970]But I can't help eeeeeeeeeeet.[/quote] I understand you can't help staring down there but strictly no touch, okay? :lol3::lol3::lol3::lol3::lol3::lol3::lol3: [quote=Lynn;#44994;1336316448]Even Changmin says he hates being in SME.[/quote] He said that!? :O [quote=HaruhiSDTY;#45002;1336316555]AWWWWW LUCKY GIRL!~ I wish I could see him too, with his friend Ryan Higa lol[/quote] I recognized Jay Park in the video although I can't believe it at first :lol3: I was like, "WOAH RYAN HIGA KNOWS JAY PARK!" :lala: [quote=akosiloys;#45037;1336317142]Anyway, speaking of Jay Park's fanmeet. Have you guys seen other KPOP Artists in flesh? Share your stories![/quote] Noooo :cry: I'm a sad fangirl TT_TT :lol3:
HaruhiSDTY's display avatar
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Re: KPOP Thread

[quote=mndrl;#45327;1336320609]I recognized Jay Park in the video although I can't believe it at first I was like, "WOAH RYAN HIGA KNOWS JAY PARK!"[/quote] YES YES! HAHAHA. In the bloopers, he said they were playing basketball(?) *or some kind of sport* before. Hahaha.
 Lynn Reyes
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Re: KPOP Thread

[quote=HaruhiSDTY;#45283;1336320147]I'm an upcoming college freshman and maybe I can go to mall tours or concerts now *and I'm sure I'll be able to meet fangirls/fanboys na*. But the only problem now is....... MY PARENTS' APPROVAL. T_T[/quote] Naah. You're parents would loosen up pretty soon. :) Mine did. though I still don't say it to them when I'm gonna be going home late watching a kpop show. but that's just one time [quote=mndrl;#45327;1336320609]He said that!?[/quote] Yeah, just last week? I think? It became a hot topic though I didn't see it in allkpop. He said he's happy that he joined TVXQ but didn't like being under SME.
HaruhiSDTY's display avatar
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Re: KPOP Thread

[quote=Lynn;#45408;1336321536]Naah. You're parents would loosen up pretty soon. Mine did. though I still don't say it to them when I'm gonna be going home late watching a kpop show. but that's just one time[/quote] HAHAHA. I really hope so. Since Manila is far from our place, I think she will still be worried and maybe have to decline. Uggghh. But I will try too though, HAHAHA. Btw, do you know what group will be performing here soon?
 Lynn Reyes
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Re: KPOP Thread

[quote=HaruhiSDTY;#45449;1336321929]HAHAHA. I really hope so. Since Manila is far from our place, I think she will still be worried and maybe have to decline. Uggghh. But I will try too though, HAHAHA. Btw, do you know what group will be performing here soon?[/quote] Ohh. Where do you live? We're the same. We're like 2 hours away from Manila. :) There are times that they don't approve of me going out with my fangirl friends because I don't know them personally daw. :( I think Big Bang's going to have a concert here.
» FTalkGeek
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Re: KPOP Thread

[quote=Lynn;#45408;1336321536]Yeah, just last week? I think? It became a hot topic though I didn't see it in allkpop. He said he's happy that he joined TVXQ but didn't like being under SME.[/quote] Did he say that during the I AM event? I've always thought it's better under YG or JYP. Artists there looked happier and closer like a real family :lol3: [quote=HaruhiSDTY;#45372;1336321197]YES YES! HAHAHA. In the bloopers, he said they were playing basketball(?) *or some kind of sport* before. Hahaha.[/quote] I had to re-watch it to remember lol He said basketball when he looked like he's playing boxing :lol3:

Last edited by mndrl (2012-05-06 12:37:57)

PUSH's display avatar
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Re: KPOP Thread

[quote=akosiloys;#44470;1336308870]Trolol~ I can imagine EXO singing MAMA in english with all those shoot anonymous lyrics What will the white people say about our bb's engrish then?[/quote] Hu cares? Hell i hear them speak everyday, they dont even know perfect english and thats alrdi their first language :facepalm: I WANT EXO IN ENGRISH~ I will love kai more :love: :lol3: [quote=Lynn;#44497;1336309229]OHHHH. Why is my hubby in your siggy? Kidding! Kai is such a girl magnet![/quote] HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA. Excessive hip thrust is unexplainable :faint: [quote=Aiashine;#44542;1336309916]but... hes on army, i want him back as well, and i miss his twitter[/quote] I want SJ to reunite to 13 + 2 again. I want Hangeng and Kibum back but among all of them, i want KANGIN back. He doesnt deserve to be removed from SJ. [hr] SMENT favouritism? Hmm. Well I can see that they KIND OF give a certain timing for one artist eventhough with some like SNSD and EXO (for now), the attention is very long compared to SHINee and SJ. They shudve done what YG did with BIGBANG, released mini album and made almost all of the songs with MV and promoted every song. I salute YG for that. But with SMent, for example, SJ released Mr. Simple.. I have seen them gaining so much attention with that bfore. Teasers, MV and Live performances. Mebbe cus theyre already a senior or a legend, the attention doesnt need to be that excessive, tho i cant really say that defntly cus of SNSD. But from what i see, one artist gains attention for them only with a span of 1-2 months after debut of the song and then gets shipped off to WORLD TOURS. With EXO, since theyre new, they try to give a over excessive attention becus theyre new.

Last edited by PUSH (2012-05-06 12:49:09)

HaruhiSDTY's display avatar
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Re: KPOP Thread

[quote=Lynn;#45454;1336322076]Ohh. Where do you live? We're the same. We're like 2 hours away from Manila. There are times that they don't approve of me going out with my fangirl friends because I don't know them personally daw. I think Big Bang's going to have a concert here.[/quote] I live in Bulacan. It's just 1 hour away from Manila. You're lucky to have fangirl friends. I only have 1 friend who likes KPOP and actually he's the one who influenced me to KPOP. But he's not the type that will go to concerts like that. Hahaha. Too bad for me lol. Rly? Big Bang? WAAAHHHHH. GD-OPPA, SEUNG RI OPPA WAIT FOR ME!!!! HAHAHAHA. [quote=mndrl;#45463;1336322233]I had to re-watch it to remember lol He said basketball when he looked like he's playing boxing[/quote] AHAHAHA. I laughed so hard at that part. XDDDD Jaebom, Y U like that!?! HAHAHAHA. "Justin Bieber will be so disappointed" XDDDD It's ok, Jaebom. Don't mind her. XDDDD [youtube][/youtube]
» FTalkGeek
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Re: KPOP Thread

Has anyone watched MBLAQ's Hello Baby? :lol3: [youtube][/youtube] Laughed so hard @ 7:17 :lol3::lol3::lol3::lol3::lol3::lol3::lol3::lol3::lol3::lol3: [quote=HaruhiSDTY;#45493;1336322974]"Justin Bieber will be so disappointed" XDDDD[/quote] HAHAHA :lol3:
 Lynn Reyes
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Re: KPOP Thread

[quote=mndrl;#45463;1336322233]Did he say that during the I AM event? I've always thought it's better under YG or JYP. Artists there looked happier and closer like a real family[/quote] I think?? I'ma check later. Yeah! When TOP sent a letter to a Filipina fangirl, GD also signed it and put in "YG, One Family" :yes2: [quote=PUSH;#45469;1336322388]HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA. Excessive hip thrust is unexplainable[/quote] and irresistible. Hihi. I was really annoyed at him at first, always being on the center. But then I saw a better view. "No wonder." :wow2: [quote=HaruhiSDTY;#45493;1336322974]I live in Bulacan. It's just 1 hour away from Manila. You're lucky to have fangirl friends. I only have 1 friend who likes KPOP and actually he's the one who influenced me to KPOP. But he's not the type that will go to concerts like that. Hahaha. Too bad for me lol. Rly? Big Bang? WAAAHHHHH. GD-OPPA, SEUNG RI OPPA WAIT FOR ME!!!! HAHAHAHA.[/quote] Ohh. Where in Bulacan? Yeah. I actually became a fangirl because of my highschool fangirl friends. They dragged me in. Hahaha. And we always have a contest on who will get the new CD first. lol. I think so. I can't find a list of their world tour though, but many says Philippines is on the list. :wow2: [quote=HaruhiSDTY;#45493;1336322974]AHAHAHA. I laughed so hard at that part. XDDDD Jaebom, Y U like that!?! HAHAHAHA.[/quote] Ohhh! Now I remember, I knew it was him! but I just didn't care at that time, I was on my hiatus on KPop when I viewed that. I even dl'ed it. silly me. :wallbash:
 Lois Chan ♔
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Re: KPOP Thread

[quote=Lynn;#45306;1336320383]There were only a thousand who came to Clark. So almost everyone who bought the CD got to meet them all. Dagsa kasi ang tao pag sa Manila. I know. A lot og my Korean albums are nowhere to be found. That's a punishment for me for being hiatus in Kpop for almost a year..[/quote] I've been in a hiatus too, for a year. When SHINee was busy in Japan. :lol3: I even sold my albums and other kpop stuff. :lol3: [quote=PUSH;#45469;1336322388]Hu cares? Hell i hear them speak everyday, they dont even know perfect english and thats alrdi their first language I WANT EXO IN ENGRISH~ I will love kai more[/quote] HAHAHAHA. Me too. I wanna hear them speak engrish. I remember Taemin speaking Engrish. It was so funneh~ lol [quote=mndrl;#45739;1336342539]Has anyone watched MBLAQ's Hello Baby?[/quote] I'm watching MBLAQ's Hello Baby. The kids are so pretty. Huhuhu. :lol3:

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