[quote=akosiloys;#44470;1336308870]Trolol~ I can imagine EXO singing MAMA in english with all those shoot anonymous lyrics
What will the white people say about our bb's engrish then?[/quote]
Hu cares? Hell i hear them speak everyday, they dont even know perfect english and thats alrdi their first language

I WANT EXO IN ENGRISH~ I will love kai more

[quote=Lynn;#44497;1336309229]OHHHH. Why is my hubby in your siggy?
Kai is such a girl magnet![/quote]
HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA. Excessive hip thrust is unexplainable

[quote=Aiashine;#44542;1336309916]but... hes on army, i want him back as well, and i miss his twitter[/quote]
I want SJ to reunite to 13 + 2 again. I want Hangeng and Kibum back but among all of them, i want KANGIN back. He doesnt deserve to be removed from SJ.
SMENT favouritism? Hmm. Well I can see that they KIND OF give a certain timing for one artist eventhough with some like SNSD and EXO (for now), the attention is very long compared to SHINee and SJ. They shudve done what YG did with BIGBANG, released mini album and made almost all of the songs with MV and promoted every song. I salute YG for that. But with SMent, for example, SJ released Mr. Simple.. I have seen them gaining so much attention with that bfore. Teasers, MV and Live performances. Mebbe cus theyre already a senior or a legend, the attention doesnt need to be that excessive, tho i cant really say that defntly cus of SNSD. But from what i see, one artist gains attention for them only with a span of 1-2 months after debut of the song and then gets shipped off to WORLD TOURS. With EXO, since theyre new, they try to give a over excessive attention becus theyre new.
Last edited by PUSH (2012-05-06 12:49:09)