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  2012-05-07 09:09:29

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero
You don't fucking know me

Re: Girls Ask Us Guys A Question

[quote=Le Derpster;#42688;1336277473]oh im so surprise that "somehow" you get suddenly so so so soft on girls....not a typical one i know before[/quote] I'm not getting "soft" on girls. What I'm saying is it's not always the girls' fault. Plus a lot of girls are secretly bitches. [quote=Le Derpster;#42688;1336277473]oh and did you just have a slight perception of obviousness that a boy asking "Are you okay" is just another way of saying "what's the problem? Can you tell me if possible?".[/quote] LOL. [quote=Le Derpster;#42688;1336277473]Frankly, their excuse of having pms and bitchiness doesn't work for me, im respectful to those who shows they deserve it in the first place. So my answer to your bad boyfriend statement is a hybrid of NO and YES.[/quote] Frankly, you complain too much about how girls are always bitchy and making pms their excuse. It's starting to look like you don't have any idea in what you have to do in relationships. [quote=SweetReverie;#42904;1336280281]How do you cheer your gf up?[/quote] Chocolates. [quote=ninch;#43893;1336298751]What contraception do you prefer to use and why?[/quote] Condoms.. girls like it and we love it when girls like it.

Last edited by strikerno14 (2012-05-07 09:10:58)

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