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Vector Artworks

You are viewing a post by Edd. View all 37 posts in Vector Artworks.

  2012-05-07 22:29:57

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Vector Artworks

[quote=Geni;#50494;1336443955]The exact same reason why i am flooding the forum right now :lol2: I think i get what you mean. But on contrary, i want to try all styles of vector and even vexel, it's just that when i switched to a different style, it was a whole new beginning. It's kinda hard to learn everything from the start, but if i ever tried all of them and became good at them, maybe i'll be able to tell which style of vector i really want to focus on. Still uncertain but hoping to realize things soon. :yes:[/quote] Exactly, I was once before called "Jack of all trades" which is a master of none. I can't find comfort in any style I confront. Thats why I want to search for a style which I will lay on. A style which people will recognize me when they see it. You should stick to where you're best at. In the world of higher designs and art, specialization is very important.

You are viewing a post by Edd. View all 37 posts in Vector Artworks.

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