Re: Girls Ask Us Guys A Question
[quote=MnGrcia;#48468;1336397428]So, with this, you actually have sexual desires for other girls?[/quote]
Well yeah, I mean, that's normal. Don't tell me you don't have sexual desires for other guys even if you have a boyfriend?
But we don't cheat, I told you, we get to have real sex with our girlfriend so why waste our time imagining our girlfriends when we masturbate? Also, our girlfriends sometimes do the masturbating for us. Hahah.
[quote=Le Derpster;#48627;1336398761]Im just stating what i see.[/quote]
What you see in 9gag? Hahaha.
[quote=Edd;#50061;1336433432]What matters is surviving it the whole time without producing children.[/quote]
What the fuck? Surviving? What kind of sex are you doing???