[quote=Aiashine;#77562;1337006378]JUST MAKE OUT YOU TWO. Hahahahaha. Nosebleed[/quote]
My room is always empty. They can stay there srsly.

[quote=HaruhiSDTY;#77617;1337009293]Hahaha. But I think Baekhyun isn't really the quiet type (seeing this in many fanfics makes me wonder though, but it's just a fanfic so.... hahaha)
I actually read something in EXO facts before that Baekhyun won't stop talking. Hahaha.[/quote]
Kai said Chanyeol and Bacon will do good on variety shows so I assume they are the won't-stop-talking guys. Lmao
[b][size=4][url=http://snsdkorean.com/2012/05/15/the-sunny-files-episode-lee-soonkyu-just-what-is-she/]Happy brthday to SNSD's energy pill, Sunny Bunny, Lee Soonkyu!!! ♥[/url][/size][/b]