[quote=yh3t;#93458;1337447552]There's like a thread like this in the old ftalk, but the idea wasn't approved. If I remember correctly, people said that browsing theftalk using their phones is not that slow so there's really no need to have ftalk mobile.
I tried browsing ftalk using 3g(my phone), and it's not slow. I tried using my mom's phone (she has 4g) and it's really fast. I also tried browsing it using a wifi, and it's fast as well. So,[/quote]
Yeah. I remember dch suggesting it I think and it wasn't approved because Ftalk is easy to load in mobile phones and admin isn't really fond of opening FT in small screens.
[quote=neexkun;#93516;1337450111]. I don't like the idea of zooming in and out and scrolling up and down and left and right too much. I dunno, maybe it's just me.[/quote]