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Real name poy
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Rank FTalkAddict
Gender Male
Location Cebu City
Birthday November 16th
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Well,I am a man of irony.I listen to people with sympathy and comprehension.I am frank but I am tactful.I am childish in some ways but I'm mature enough to handle situation that needs maturity.I'm impassive but emotional.I'm rational because I'm using my common sense.I'm idealistic but not an activist.I am not religious but i know my values.I'm snobbish but I always give a friendly disposition.I hate people who pretend so much and tries to be someone they're not.I can be the sweetest and the most understanding person in this world.I am poor in material things but I am abundant in knowledge,values,friends, and love.Im not honest nor a lier.I have a high respect for the senior citizens and women.I am a Saint to those who are nice but I am a Demon to assholes.I am permissive but I know my limitations.I am real, not a hypocrite.And if you still wanna know me,just read again my profile.Better yet,message me

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2013-08-24 08:03:38 hello guys!
8 posts. Latest: 2013-08-26 by kitsune11.
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Principe Azheef
Poy! Howz you? :lol3:
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ohh why?why? don't be everything is gonna be fine! :D :yes2:
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Astig pre.. :thumbsup: :cool:
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:wave: have a great weekend!
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Principe Azheef
Sir Poy! Everythings doin good here dudey! How bout you? :lol3:
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Join date 2013-08-24
Last visit 2014-01-24 02:37:41
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2013-09-12 18:21:33 • Laptop or Desktop ?
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2013-09-12 18:20:08 • Guess the Egroup of th…
JAZZ Vincent14Bing InfiniteLove xx4eversilentxx
Yesha Solaze Hannahlicious JaneePring


Waiting hurts. Forgetting hurts. But knowing which decision to take is the worst of Suffering.  :thumbsup:

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