On my first day ever in College, during my first subject, the guy who we thought was our Prof wasn't really our prof. The real one was sitting beside us, observing. Gosh, why do Profs in college look like students?!
^ well that was hardcore.
When my classmates brought 2 chickens to school. And each chicken is labled as 1 and 3. Then the teacher's went ballistc and kept looking for chicken no. 2 when there is really no chicken no. 2.
^ yup that's our physics teacher too
Chemistry lab, and the guy accidentally put fire in the gas hose, almost burned himself while there's a flamethrower burning the whole room, wahahaha it was rather hilarious though
It's during our physics class, when our physics teacher was trying to explain an equation and all of the class doesn't understand the connections of each equation that is written on the board XD
When my classmate gave me 3 boxes of chocolate and balloons and I threw it all away because I don't know what to do. Then he cried. But my classmates picked those chocolates.
When all of my classmates included me doesn't know almost all the answers in the test and choose too google it and share the answers all over the class haha XD
When the class gets boring, we make a chatbox-like on paper and we write messages including our codenames, then we pass it so that everyone can join the chat. Just like you're having a chat in ym but in the paper only.