[quote=Skyheight;#225858;1342071225]well maybe i am or i'm not.
I was very active here before but i became bored and got tired, when friendster was getting outdated.
I didnt notice im posting nonsense stuff and after that i became a spammer.
I dont know if this answers your question.
I just wish to be a new person now and not to be known as the spammer before.
I wish you'll respect that.
But if you really want to know my old username ill gladly tell you or pm you.[/quote]
Okay okay okay. I get it.

I didn't mean to offend you. You see, I wanna meet some old ftalkers again. And have a little chit-chat like before. And of course I'll respect if you don't want to reveal your old username and your "old identity". I just wish that one day I'll have the chance to know you.

And I'm sorry for asking you. I'm just [i]makulit[/i].

Forgive me please.