[quote=kitsune11;#287629;1346916250]How old are you now?
What is your dream wedding?[/quote]
--I'm 22 years old. And my dream wedding? Please refer to Page 3 for the details

[quote=ielle;#287662;1346917921]Complete this phrase:
5 years from now, I am __________________________________.[/quote]
-- I am 27 and is probably planning my wedding

[quote=velle;#287981;1346942075]What's the biggest sacrifice you have ever made? [b]Suffering hardships when I was 11-12 years old. That would have been the vulnerable and hardest years in my life so far.[/b]
Who is the wickedest person in your life? [b]my mother.[/b]
If I ask you to sing on my wedding, what song will you sing? [b]From This Moment- Shania Twain.[/b]
Brand of clothes and shoes? [b]Lipsy, New Look, Office, Russell and Bromley, KG.

Prince William or Prince Harry? [b]probably William[/b]
What's your favorite beverage? [b]non alcoholic: coke float // alcoholic: cheeky vimto and vodka and coke[/b]
How many child do you want? [b]2 or 3[/b]
What's your morning routine? [b]I arrive from work, eat breakfast if I can be bothered to, lie in bed, watch a bit of Conan, then sleep until afternoon. [/b]
Ice cream or chocolate? Why? [b]ice cream because there's a lot more flavours to choose from.[/b]
Have you ever gone mad? About what? [b]Yes. I get irritated a lot, and it can be little things like not getting things done and if somebody annoys me on purpose and takes the mickey. [/b]
Remember you posted on my wall on FB regarding my PM? What are you about to say that time? [b]I'll PM you. It's too embarrassing to put here
