Congratulations Ms Loren.
[quote=FTalk;#283978;1346599448]what doesn't kill you makes you stronger[/quote]
Truer words always been said! High 5!

[quote=FTalk;#283978;1346599448]Someone who's not afraid to befriend anyone, someone who gets misunderstood easily, someone who will be happy if other people that I care about are happy. My happiness is superficial. Sensitive.[/quote]
Waaakakakaaaaaaaa sometimes its good to have this character in us because thats a true human being. Waaaaakakakaaaaaaaaa !

[quote=FTalk;#283978;1346599448]Thank you for giving me this opportunity to be an FTW for the 2nd time. Much appreciated.

We're happy finally you've been selected Maam!

[quote=FTalk;#283978;1346599448]I applied for XFactor UK last yeat but didn't turn up at the auditions because I got scared

Something new to know! Wow you're half a celebrity wohooooooooo wish you will take part some day again since its your passion.

[quote=FTalk;#283978;1346599448]My comfort food is Ben & Jerry's Phish Food Ice cream


Ma Question:
[align=center][spoiler]What are the changes you see in yourself now compared to your past?

Last edited by Principe Azheef (2012-09-04 23:07:43)