Someone just ask about that, i didn't brought up the topic.
and i just say that '[i]as of now, i won't trust mikay[/i]' it doesn't mean
that it's forever. I'm just kidding about what i say. See my previous post.
There's an emoticon ->

And also, i got slightly offended when you
say '[i]its better to keep your mouth shut[/i]' kaw dyan ang nang aano eh

[quote=michelle;#395096;1397310119]At what age were you circumcised? Was it done by a doctor or just traditional tuli?
If you were Llyanz and Dondon makes ligaw to you, would he stand a chance? What are the traits of dondon that would make you fall for him? How about the ones that would turn you off?
What makes dondon happy?
What makes dondon looking youthful?
Do you like ampalaya?
What was you reaction when you found out about james' coming out of the closet? Were you shocked or was it sth you had expected already? How about with Karuro?

How much was your baon when you were in grade school? Did you attend private or public school?
Who do you think will win in the bradley-pacman fight? Are you going to bet? How much?[/quote]
- I've got circumcised when i was in grade 5 and it's done by a doctor.
- If i'm llyanz, just like her, i want to know more about [i]dondon[/i] first and
i want to be sure with my feelings. If i can see that dondon is deserving, then theres a chance.
About the good traits, maybe his attitude. He can understand and trust you.
Also can make you feel happy when you have a some problem/s. Anyway, i don't
want tell more about me coz you might say im a liar,

Its up to them to know me more

- about turnoffs. who? me or llyanz?

turnoff about dondon hmmm maybe when he
got drunk. He's too noisy and always laugh or smile

- dondon makes happy when he have his own car, house and lot and more

loljk. seriously, He just want his family to be happy. That will make him happy

- haha. hmmm he looks youthful maybe because he always smile or he didn't
think too much problems.
- ahh yeah, i like amplaya, with egg and tomato

- about james, at first i thought he's really a pure blood men.
when i saw him in person, i'm kinda shocked because of his voice
and the way he moved.

about karuro, i don't know that

can you tell me? txt me ok haha
- when i was in highschool, my baon is i think 70 pesos. [i]kasama na pamasahe[/i]

and i study at a public school in tondo manila.
- I think pacman will win this time. There's two reason, Its either he prepared for
the fight Or the fight is scripted

[quote=bianx;#395111;1397317896]Dont question me back mister

[b]i want to ask you soon

Who would you like to be our next president?
[b]Its either duterte or miriam defensor

Who is that one celeb you'll crush forevs?
[b]deniece cornejo

loljk. hmmmm.. maybe sam pinto[/b]
Who is llyanz' celeb look alike?
[b]Sarah lahbati

Have you given llyanz a gift? What is it? And what for?
[b]i dunno if its a gift. but its a chocolate and im glad she liked it

If llyanz is a flower what flower would she be for you and y?
[b]maybe white rose. clean and simple[/b]
If daisy mae is a flower what flower would she be for you and y?
[b]red rose. sweet and charming[/b]
If belle is a flower what flower would she be and y?
[b]sunflower. funny and sometimes energetic[/b]
Dedicate a song for:
Llyanz - [b]Vulnerable by Roxette[/b]
Me [b]friends forever by vitamin-c[/b]
Daisy mae [b]Miss You - sweetbox [/b]
Belle [b]I think of you by tata young[/b]
Push [b]open the door[/b] ([i][u]Push[/u] open the door[/i])

Aya [b]I close my eyes - aliya parcs[/b]
Bram [b]what does the fox say[/b]

Rai [b]chinito - yeng constantino[/b]

Paw [b]Listen to your heart by DHT[/b]
Chaw [b]You're beautiful - james blunt[/b]
Naneex [b]Gentleman - psy[/b]

And explain why did you choose those somgs for us

[b]haha its hard to explain, just listen ok

Enjoy your last day as ftw! I had fun questioning you hahahaha! Questioning talaga eh no XD thanks for the honest answers ^0^
[b]your welcome anytime

[quote=Pawws;#395126;1397332494]last q's.
where do you want to be before you die?
who do you wanna be with?
when would you want to die?
how would you want to die?
what is your fave sex position?[/quote]
- i want to die in a church just for a change

- my dog

- mybe 2034.

- i want to die by using a gun on my head

- dogs style
Last edited by Natsume (2014-04-12 21:27:24)