[quote=Pawws;#391866;1396834332]was ate phrem pretty? what was your first impression of her?

hmmm..yeah, she's simply pretty. just like other ftalkers. She's fun to talk also sometimes

[quote=Pawws;#391866;1396834332]who were they?


it's daiz, bel and anne.24

[quote=Pawws;#391866;1396834332]but did you have a slight romantic relationship here in ft?

in person? nope.. but a long time ago, i kiss someone here eventhough were not in a relationship

[quote=bianx;#391875;1396844512]What if your ft "bestfriend" fall inlove with you? aka llyanz ganda, what will you do? and don't you dare to answer "that will never happen" because the question just asks "WHAT IF"

and .. besides, you promised to answer all the qs


you really grilled me here

actually it depends on the situation
but oh well, i'll answer that. I will just follow what my heart says.
if she loves me, and i love her. Then, suddenly its magic. We will be together

[quote=bianx;#391875;1396844512]Aside from ganda, do you like any other girl here in ft? who?
Have you confessed to ganda yet? tell us what happened

pretty please?

Btw., congrats!! that's all for now

i hope you won't kill me b'c of this

- Actually i like someone here. But i can't tell who she is, co'z she might avoid me.

- confessed of what?

ahmmm we've been close since 2007, she's very nice
and sometimes crazy.

Sometimes we argue, and she tells me that i'm emo

ok thanks for that question. I dunno if your satisfied to my answers

[quote=cropped.head;#391876;1396845556]As part of an observation, I think they already fall into "more than friends" situation

or as what you say "more than best friend situation?"

Fafs is just right in the middle of it.
I dunno why dondon didn't push through his good intentions of panliligaw

hahaha it's kinda complicated to explain, but she said that she's not ready to have
a relationship. She's focus on her career and i don't to interrupt that

[quote=cropped.head;#391876;1396845556]WHY? what happened?

I mean mahn its obvious that llyanz like you too


fafs, i think she like me for being good bestfriend and sometimes enemy

[quote=PUSH;#391879;1396846403]This is so far what im curious about

All I know is you are linked to llyanz (showbiz)

haha that's what people think

maybe bcoz we always talk

[quote=bianx;#391886;1396848545]Dondon courted llyanz? or dondon just had this intention to court her but he didn't pursued it?
why is that kuya dondon?

It's been a long time. I don't know the exact day.
uhmmm yeah i courted her. but the situation is really complicated
Last edited by Natsume (2014-04-07 03:51:23)