[quote=Dayannn;#417703;1402534250]If you weren't a human, what would you be? and why?[/quote]
Any cat of the felidae family.

Coz it's the next best thing. They're beautiful, they are their own master, they're intelligent and pretty fast.

[quote=Dayannn;#417703;1402534250]Is there anyone you wish you hadn't met? If yes, who?[/quote]
Some guys I met when I was still in College.

[quote=Dayannn;#417703;1402534250]If money wasn't an issue, what would you do?[/quote]
Buy everything. Do everything.
[quote=Dayannn;#417703;1402534250]5 girl crushes?[/quote]
I don't have a list but I do think some girls are really pretty.
[quote=Dayannn;#417703;1402534250]If you could switch bodies with a celebrity, who would it be and why?[/quote]
Gabriella Wilde. I love her face, her body, her legs.

[quote=Dayannn;#417703;1402534250]Which do you prefer: having too much feelings, or feeling nothing at all? Why?[/quote]
So difficult dayannnn ano ba yannnn.

I don't wanna feel too much coz that's overwhelming but I don't wanna be a zombie and feel nothing either.
Too much [i]nalang[/i] because pain demands to be felt (LOL) and I won't enjoy the things I love to do if I don't feel anything. Life is meaningless without emotions.