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What is the best course for you?

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What is the best course for you?

If you're a fresh graduate or still in high school, post your dream course and share why you want to take it. If you're in College, post the current course that you take and share also why you took it. Or post the courses you think are the most in-demand and productive. This can be a big help for those who are still confused of what they should take in college. (:

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Re: What is the best course for you?

I am an incoming 2nd year college student taking up BS Computer Science. I have always been fascinated by computers ever since and even when I was still a kid, I was sure I'd be taking up a computer related course. Any computer related course would've been fine. UP-Cebu only offered BSCS though so I had no choice. I think the best course to take up now is mobile computing though I don't know whether it's already offered in the universities here in the Philippines. My brother took that up in Malaysia and he now creates apps for different handheld devices.
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Re: What is the best course for you?

I'm an upcoming 4th year highschool and I'm really getting myself into the Medicine stuffs in college. A pediatrician or something like general medicine doctor would be already okay for me, since it's a lifetime course. You can use whatever you learned; you can use it even if you're old already, like that. I think it's really worth the time after all those years you gave for studying. The best course for now? I've been hearing a lot of Psychology students..
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Re: What is the best course for you?

I'm an upcoming 4th year highschool like Xstel. I will be taking Dentistry in Cebu Doctors University. Dentistry is a 6 year course, 2 years for Pre-Dental and 4 years for Doctor of Dental Medicine. This will be really hard for me because I am not good in Chemistry and Biology so I really have to double time. The best course I know is still Dentistry, I like teeths I mean[b] teeth[/b] :lol3:

Wala namang taong hindi nasasaktan :invi: tsktsk. Bye.
 Lois Chan ♔
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Re: What is the best course for you?

I'm taking up Bachelor of Science in Information Technology. I started college 4 years ago and I could've graduated last March if only I did not transfer schools. I've been university hopping, jsyk. LOL. Anyway, on June it would be my 5th year taking up BSIT so yeah, I'm now pro in IT stuff. I'm so good. jk :xixi:

Last edited by akosiloys (2012-04-27 02:23:56)

Pawws's display avatar
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Re: What is the best course for you?

I'm also an incoming 2nd year college student like JI, I've always dreamed of taking Fashion Design because I want all things creative and I was really into drawing gowns, dresses and the stuff but I ended up taking BSIT Information Technology (like Ate Loys) but majoring in Digital Arts. Lol :) I guess the difference with simply BSIT and BSIT with a major is that you can't only focus in programming and coding stuff, but also with other things like in Art and Photography. It's like a mix of Software Engineering and Multimedia Arts so it's pretty cool. The best course and the most in demand for me are the Computer courses since we all live in a very High-Tech world now. Everything's done through computer so, there. Goodluck with your courses, guys!
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Re: What is the best course for you?

I'm incoming 3rd year high school and I know nothing about college stuff. Since I was young I always dream of being an accountant like my mom and I think it's awesome to be like her- I hope I'm good enough. Every audit period I help her and my cousin (my mom's staff at her auditing firm) encode some income tax return and do things she ask me to. I also think of studying law or both (CPA Lawyer) I still don't know.. =) and i think this is cute -> :pacman:

Last edited by Mary (2012-04-27 05:27:24)

 WiLLene joyce
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Re: What is the best course for you?

I am an incoming 2nd year college student taking up BS Tourism. I really enjoyed my course, coz' since I was a kid I love traveling. I also dream of becoming a flight attendant in the near future. :)

<3 .. :)
 Hyper !
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Re: What is the best course for you?

[b]Computer Science[/b] - Right now I'm taking this course up.. :) As of now, I'm enjoying with this course... I really want to learn more about programming and making scripts.. !!
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Re: What is the best course for you?

I'm taking up BS in Accountancy and I am an incoming 2nd yr college student. Before coming back here in the Philippines I was really decided that I'd be taking up Engineering but my aunt told me that a lady Engineer would most likely succeed plus I'm not really good in Maths. :xixi: I ended up taking BSA. They say this is a very nerve-racking course but I am up for the challenge. =3 The best course for me would be Accountancy :eh: (Biased much? :j) Srsly though, our country needs more CPAs. :eh2: Need I say more why? lol
 Neex Feliz
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Re: What is the best course for you?

I am a Nursing graduate but currently taking up Advanced Diploma in Information Technology, I'm still thinking if I should continue it to Bachelor's Degree but let's see if I have the time.
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Re: What is the best course for you?

I'm an incoming 2nd year college student currently taking up a double major course on Broadcasting and Journalism (AB Broadcast Journalism). I took up this course because I've been in this field since I was in grade... 5? Not really sure but I feel like I know what needs to be done and my experience has been a strong edge for me. :yes2:
 Megumi Kairi
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Re: What is the best course for you?

Im still thinking ... I should think really hard for me not to waste money again. I have had 2 courses in just 1 year so yeaaaaaaaaaaahhhh. damn it :facepalm: :lol2:
kapitanawesome's display avatar
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Re: What is the best course for you?

I'll be taking Electronics and Communication Engineering. But I really don't like Math. The reason why I only took this course it's because of [i]practicality[/i]. There are many good and high-salary jobs offered with this course so I did not hesitate as well. But the course I really want to take is Information Technology major in Digital Arts @FEU-EAC or Multimedia Arts @La Salle-CSB since I really love graphics designing and stuffs.
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Re: What is the best course for you?

I chose BS Math Major in Computer Science as my first choice, but actually, what I really want is my second choice. It ended up being BSM-CS because of some advice I've got from my Math teacher. I was in a hurry to pass the form to my Eco teacher, that's why I decided to write BSM-CS as my 1st choice. After that, I realized I really want to be a Computer Engineer but sadly, I made the wrong choice. But maybe, this is really my fate so, I will go for it. It's related to each other so it would not be a problem to me I guess.
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Re: What is the best course for you?

I'll be taking [i]BS Accountancy[/i]. :) Then take up [i]law[/i] afterwards. It's always been what I want. I really don't know why I liked being a (CPA) Lawyer before, but now I have my reasons. Though I thought of taking up Journalism since it would also be a good pre-law since it would help me develop more confidence in speaking and writing plus it would help me know more about what's really happening in our world. But then, taking up Accountancy would be a lot more practical. :) So yea, hello BSA frosh :)
 Mark Sangalang
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Re: What is the best course for you?

[quote=kapitanawesome;#24119;1335939083]I'll be taking Electronics and Communication Engineering. But I really don't like Math. The reason why I only took this course it's because of [i]practicality[/i]. There are many good and high-salary jobs offered with this course so I did not hesitate as well.[/quote] Yo Allen! You've got an ECE buddy here. :) You should love Math though, most of the days in your ECE life would be concerning Math. I'm now an incoming third year college student at FEU-EAC. Well, I took this course because my parents believed that I'm good in Math. :lol2: I like Math but entering college, I know that somehow I will be left behind with my other classmates who study in Science High Schools because they have the edge when it comes to basic Math subjects. When I was in high school, I am tangled up between three choices: engineering, IT/CS, or journalism. In the end, I chose Electronics Engineering because it's more timely to take this course than the other engineering fields and this interests me more. Well, as of now I'm surviving the grueling life of being an engineering student, especially the major subjects and I didn't thought that I would love my course this much.

Last edited by mrmark011 (2012-05-05 02:58:19)

 Lynn Reyes
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Re: What is the best course for you?

[quote=Letsirk;#377;1335483330]I've been hearing a lot of Psychology students..[/quote] I'm a psych student and trust me this is the most exciting premed you'll have. You'll learn to manipulate people! :evil: Kidding! @topic I'm really loving my course,Psychology, as of now. Never thought that that every personality, every behavior of a person can be explained. It's useful not only in dealing with patients but also with dealing with other people not only in work but also in your everyday life. It can also lead you to many jobs. Whenever I say to people that I'm a psych student they generally think that I'm dealing with the "baliw". But that's not even a fourth of what we're studying. And soooo.. to make things short, Psychology is the best course for me.
Zypadhera's display avatar
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Re: What is the best course for you?

I am taking up BS Nursing, but I guess I would excel in BS psychology. Idk, I just find the human mind really interesting and I really want to deal with mentally disturbed people. :lol2:
Zyrdred's display avatar
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Re: What is the best course for you?

Ill be taking BS Computer Science since i'm very fascinated by the computers since i was a kid, and i very hate about computer hardware studies, i take this course/program because its mostly about software and programming. :eh:

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