[quote=Pawws;#210;1335474808]If you're a fresh graduate or still in high school, post your dream course and share why you want to take it. If you're in College, post the current course that you take and share also why you took it. Or post the courses you think are the most in-demand and productive. This can be a big help for those who are still confused of what they should take in college. (:[/quote]
How about those you graduated?

[i]Based on my experience in recruitment[/i], BS Accountancy graduates is needed by most of the companies. Whether they passed the board exam or not, still companies need them. Passing the board exam is an edge but not a requirement.

Courses like Education/HRM/Nursing for me, should be avoided this time because of the volume of its graduates. Based on experience again, the lesser the graduates, the greater chance of getting the job.
Lastly, there is no best course. Only better than the other. It should depend on what you know, what you want, what you need, and what you enjoy.

BTW, I [i]took[/i] up AB Behavioral Science.