[quote=H2o;#58584;1336617582]Girls playing dota support hero:Crystal Maiden[/quote]
Well, society is a bit diff now.

But really, I play dota because it's fun. Some girls do just because they feel the need to.

[quote=ninch;#59365;1336632653]I'm a noob. I need a coach beside me whenever I play[/quote]
I used to be like that when I first play dota. A little pratice and you'll eventually get used to it.

[quote=Le Derpster;#59767;1336640591]My ursa bitch-slapping le foes like a baws[/quote]
That's awesumn derp. Can you teach me some of your swagger moves?

[quote=Tricia;#65918;1336759514]Where can i download Dota?[/quote]
http://www.getdota.com/ <-