[quote=bubblegum;#275110;1345376377]Maybe it's just a propaganda by the [b]anti[/b]-RH bill to sidetrack the public from the real issue about passing the said law.[/quote]
You mean pro-RH bill because from the looks of it, Sotto is anti. But yea I agree.
[quote=bubblegum;#275110;1345376377]I'm not gonna judge him for that because we all use wikipedia in our school works. Pretty much the same.[/quote]
Everyone's guilty of plagiarism.
[quote=MC-ngapalanamekoikaw;#273464;1345129253]Below is a comparison of Sotto's speech and Sarah's blog:[/quote]
So I read the ones you posted; Not the full speech.
And I don't see anything wrong really. Except that it was of course taken from a a blog which he didn't mention because he prolly didn't know

. Anyway, it was not like he was using it to sound smart or anything because he was only using it as reference for that gut dysbiosis thingy.

[quote=sj0405;#274811;1345336237]I'm wondering why he copied exactly word by word

What's the use of Thesaurus

We can't blame him b/c his principles and ideas might be the same as Sarah's but he shouldn't have copy pasted and omitted one or two words in each paragraph

I thought he's smart

If you read the post, it wasn't "principles" or "ideas" but an explanation about how the pill cause gut dysbiosis and how it affects the fetus.