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Did Sotto really copy a blogger's article for his speech?

Did Sotto really copy a blogger's article for his speech?
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Did Sotto really copy a blogger's article for his speech?

[spoiler][i]Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile and Senator Ramon 'Bong' Revilla Jr. console Majority Floor Leader Vicente 'Tito' Sotto III after he became emotional while delivering his Turno en Contra on the Reproductive Health (RH) bill during session, Monday, August 13, 2012. Sotto was in tears as he told the story of his first-born son who died five months after birth. (Joseph Vidal, Senate Pool, NPPA Images)[/i][/spoiler] After a business executive and a Supreme Court justice, a senator is now being accused of claiming someone else's work as his own. A group said Senator Vicente "Tito" Sotto III's privilege speech on Wednesday opposing the Reproductive Health (RH) Bill "copied entirely and almost word-for-word from an article" of a US-based blogger. In a post on its website, the Filipino Freethinkers, one of the groups pushing for the passage of the RH bill, compared Sotto's speech to a February 2011 article by a blogger called "Sarah, the healthy economist." In his speech, Sotto used phrases from the blog but without attribution, except for the expert opinion that Sarah also used as source. Sotto denied plagiarizing the blogger's work. "Bakit ko naman iku-quote ‘yung blogger, ang kinu-quote ko si Natasha McBride (Why would I quote the blogger? I was quoting Natasha McBride)," Sotto said in a interview with ABS-CBN. The allegation against Sotto comes after two controversial cases of plagiarism both in 2010. One involved Associate Justice Mariano del Castillo who allegedly lifted without citation from legal experts abroad in his decision on World War II comfort women. Businessman Manny Pangilinan in 2010 also admitted that parts of his speech before Ateneo De Manila Univerisity graduates have been copied from celebrities' speeches. On top of hitting the senator for plagiarism, the Filipino Freethinkers said "Sotto’s reckless method of legislation is inexcusable." "Senator Tito Sotto suffered a personal loss with the death of his son. We understand his grief. What we cannot understand is why he chose to rely on an unknown blogger to explain his son's death," the group said. It added that Sotto preferred the blogger's "wild claims" against contraception over studies by the Health department and the World Health Organization which noted that artificial family planning is safe. Sotto even ignored the blogger's disclaimer, which said information in posts are "not intended to substitute for the advice provided by your doctor or other health care professional," the group said. Below is a comparison of Sotto's speech and Sarah's blog: Sotto's speech: "According, to Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride MD, the use of the pill also causes severe gut dysbiosis. What is worse, drug induced gut imbalance is especially intractable and resistant to treatment either with probiotics or diet change." Sarah's blog: "According, to Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride MD, use of other drugs such as the Pill also cause severe gut dybiosis. What's worse, drug induced gut imbalance is especially intractable and resistant to treatment either with probiotics or diet change." Sotto's speech: "Gut imbalance brought on through use of the pill negatively impacts the ability to digest food and absorb nutrients. As a result, even if a woman eats spectacularly well during pregnancy, if she has been taking oral contraceptives for a period of time beforehand, it is highly likely that she and her baby are not reaping the full benefits of all this healthy food as the lack of beneficial flora in her gut preclude this from occurring." Sarah's blog: "...gut imbalance brought on through use of The Pill negatively impacts the ability to digest food and absorb nutrients. As a result, even if a women eats spectacularly well during pregnancy, if she has been taking oral contraceptives for a period of time beforehand, it is highly likely that she and her baby are not reaping the full benefits of all this healthy food as the lack of beneficial flora in her gut preclude this from occurring." Sotto's speech: "Pathogenic, opportunistic flora that take hold in the gut when the pill is used constantly produce toxic substances which are the by-products of their metabolism. These toxins leak into the woman’s bloodstream and they have the potential to cross the placenta. Therefore, gut dysbiosis exposes the fetus to toxin." Sarah's blog: "Pathogenic, opportunistic flora that take hold in the gut when The Pill is used constantly produce toxic substances which are the by-products of their metabolism. These toxins leak into the woman’s bloodstream and guess what, they have the potential to cross the placenta! Therefore, gut dysbiosis exposes the fetus to toxins." Sotto's speech: "Not well known is also the fact that use of the pill depletes zinc in the body. Zinc is called 'the intelligence mineral' as it is intimately involved in mental development." Sarah's blog: "Not well known is the fact that use of The Pill depletes zinc in the body. Zinc is called 'the intelligence mineral' as it is intimately involved in mental development. [url=]SOURCE[/url] [spoiler]Rember guyz: He's a pure blooded actor before he entered politics :xixi:[/spoiler] [url=][i]Full Speech Here[/i][/url]

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Re: Did Sotto really copy a blogger's article for his speech?

Yes :no:

Last edited by Veelnerable (2012-08-16 21:52:30)

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Re: Did Sotto really copy a blogger's article for his speech?

He's an actor and besides he just want to remove contraceptives on the list :shrug:
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Re: Did Sotto really copy a blogger's article for his speech?

How uncool :swt:
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Re: Did Sotto really copy a blogger's article for his speech?

one down for mr. sotto :disgust:
 Megumi Kairi
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Re: Did Sotto really copy a blogger's article for his speech?

geeeezzzz. super copied.
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Re: Did Sotto really copy a blogger's article for his speech?

I'm wondering why he copied exactly [s]word by word[/s] :dumb: What's the use of Thesaurus :O We can't blame him b/c his principles and ideas might be the same as Sarah's but he shouldn't have copy pasted and omitted one or two words in each paragraph :faint: I thought he's smart :(
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Re: Did Sotto really copy a blogger's article for his speech?

Well, his staff made his speech so it's the responsibility of the one who wrote his speech. I'm pretty sure he didnt check his article meticulously because he trusted his staff. Maybe it's just a propaganda by the anti-RH bill to sidetrack the public from the real issue about passing the said law. I'm not gonna judge him for that because we all use wikipedia in our school works. Pretty much the same.
 Aya Shirayuki
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Re: Did Sotto really copy a blogger's article for his speech?

[quote=bubblegum;#275110;1345376377]Maybe it's just a propaganda by the [b]anti[/b]-RH bill to sidetrack the public from the real issue about passing the said law.[/quote] You mean pro-RH bill because from the looks of it, Sotto is anti. But yea I agree. [quote=bubblegum;#275110;1345376377]I'm not gonna judge him for that because we all use wikipedia in our school works. Pretty much the same.[/quote] True. Everyone's guilty of plagiarism. [quote=MC-ngapalanamekoikaw;#273464;1345129253]Below is a comparison of Sotto's speech and Sarah's blog:[/quote] So I read the ones you posted; Not the full speech. And I don't see anything wrong really. Except that it was of course taken from a a blog which he didn't mention because he prolly didn't know :lol3:. Anyway, it was not like he was using it to sound smart or anything because he was only using it as reference for that gut dysbiosis thingy. :xixi: [quote=sj0405;#274811;1345336237]I'm wondering why he copied exactly word by word :dumb: What's the use of Thesaurus :O We can't blame him b/c his principles and ideas might be the same as Sarah's but he shouldn't have copy pasted and omitted one or two words in each paragraph :faint: I thought he's smart :([/quote] If you read the post, it wasn't "principles" or "ideas" but an explanation about how the pill cause gut dysbiosis and how it affects the fetus.
 Aiashine Shin
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Re: Did Sotto really copy a blogger's article for his speech?

[quote=bubblegum;#275110;1345376377]I'm not gonna judge him for that because we all use wikipedia in our school works. Pretty much the same.[/quote] This. The blogger should be honored :lol2:
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Re: Did Sotto really copy a blogger's article for his speech?

[quote=aya;#275114;1345378865]You mean pro-RH bill because from the looks of it, Sotto is anti. But yea I agree.[/quote] NEIN~!!! YOU ARE THE NAZI OF ALL THE NAZIS :no3: I BET YOU SPENT A LOT OF TIME IN CONCENTRATION CAMPS! :lol3: :lol3: :lol3: Ya, I meant Anti-RH bill. :xp
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Re: Did Sotto really copy a blogger's article for his speech?

[quote=aya;#275114;1345378865]If you read the post, it wasn't "principles" or "ideas" but an explanation about how the pill cause gut dysbiosis and how it affects the fetus.[/quote] [url=]tldr[/url] :lol3: honestly speaking I just glance at the quoted below b/c I only want to comment on the topic title which is about copying someones article :faint: [spoiler]Sotto's speech: "According, to Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride MD, the use of the pill also causes severe gut dysbiosis. What is worse, drug induced gut imbalance is especially intractable and resistant to treatment either with probiotics or diet change." Sarah's blog: "According, to Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride MD, use of other drugs such as the Pill also cause severe gut dybiosis. What's worse, drug induced gut imbalance is especially intractable and resistant to treatment either with probiotics or diet change." Sotto's speech: "Gut imbalance brought on through use of the pill negatively impacts the ability to digest food and absorb nutrients. As a result, even if a woman eats spectacularly well during pregnancy, if she has been taking oral contraceptives for a period of time beforehand, it is highly likely that she and her baby are not reaping the full benefits of all this healthy food as the lack of beneficial flora in her gut preclude this from occurring." Sarah's blog: "...gut imbalance brought on through use of The Pill negatively impacts the ability to digest food and absorb nutrients. As a result, even if a women eats spectacularly well during pregnancy, if she has been taking oral contraceptives for a period of time beforehand, it is highly likely that she and her baby are not reaping the full benefits of all this healthy food as the lack of beneficial flora in her gut preclude this from occurring." Sotto's speech: "Pathogenic, opportunistic flora that take hold in the gut when the pill is used constantly produce toxic substances which are the by-products of their metabolism. These toxins leak into the woman’s bloodstream and they have the potential to cross the placenta. Therefore, gut dysbiosis exposes the fetus to toxin." Sarah's blog: "Pathogenic, opportunistic flora that take hold in the gut when The Pill is used constantly produce toxic substances which are the by-products of their metabolism. These toxins leak into the woman’s bloodstream and guess what, they have the potential to cross the placenta! Therefore, gut dysbiosis exposes the fetus to toxins." Sotto's speech: "Not well known is also the fact that use of the pill depletes zinc in the body. Zinc is called 'the intelligence mineral' as it is intimately involved in mental development." Sarah's blog: "Not well known is the fact that use of The Pill depletes zinc in the body. Zinc is called 'the intelligence mineral' as it is intimately involved in mental development.[/spoiler]
 Jhade Concepcion
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Re: Did Sotto really copy a blogger's article for his speech?

i hate plagiarism :facepalm:
 Aya Shirayuki
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Re: Did Sotto really copy a blogger's article for his speech?

[quote=bubblegum;#275559;1345462156]Ya, I meant Anti-RH bill. :xp[/quote] *pro :penguin: [quote=sj0405;#275600;1345466656]tldr :lol3:[/quote] I know what tl;dr means. [quote=sj0405;#275600;1345466656]honestly speaking I just glance at the quoted below b/c I only want to comment on the topic title which is about copying someones article :faint:[/quote] If you gunna "judge" someone (i.e. SJ: "I thought he's smart"), you should prolly read the article first.
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Re: Did Sotto really copy a blogger's article for his speech?

[quote=bubblegum;#275110;1345376377]Well, his staff made his speech so it's the responsibility of the one who wrote his speech. I'm pretty sure he didnt check his article meticulously because he trusted his staff.[/quote] I strongly believe this :thumbsup: That happens :facepalm:
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Re: Did Sotto really copy a blogger's article for his speech?

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Re: Did Sotto really copy a blogger's article for his speech?

Some normal people who is pro (and neutral) on RH bill would definitely question this senator and the anti RH moral standards, since plagiarism is a big moral issue. But whtvr bro.. :thumbsup:
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Re: Did Sotto really copy a blogger's article for his speech?

[quote=aya;#275638;1345475987]*pro[/quote] DAMMIT I MEANT, PRO!!!!!! :lol2: Nah, the issue is that, should the gov't really spend 3B on condoms and pills instead of using the budget for other needs like add'l classroom, wage increase for teachers, etc. If you have unprotected sex all the time, I bet you'll have a dozen babies by the time you turn 50. :lol2:
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Re: Did Sotto really copy a blogger's article for his speech?

[quote=bubblegum;#276015;1345539489]Nah, the issue is that, should the gov't really spend 3B on condoms and pills instead of using the budget for other needs like add'l classroom, wage increase for teachers, etc.[/quote] In all cases classrooms will never be added, wage will never be increased, etc etc. Just accept those facts coz the country is plagued with moral bankruptcy and corruption. :lol2: [quote=bubblegum;#276015;1345539489]If you have unprotected sex all the time, I bet you'll have a dozen babies by the time you turn 50. :lol2:[/quote] If I can support them all like a boss why not? :lol3: Aw but too bad I'm baog :no2:
 Eonni Chel~yah ! ;)
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