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  2012-10-10 08:13:43

Principe Azheef
 ♕Zheefy Harmonia Mysteri…
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HELP! who can suggest or revise my poem? i really need it tomorrow! 10/09/12

[quote=miczieshane;#300203;1349870708]so cute :)[/quote] Waaakakakaaaaa thank you...I know its sounds kinda stupid in some ways...waaaaakakakakaaaa! :lol3: Heres another short one I wrote for ma BFF: [b]When I'm online your words are always there![/b] I type ma love for you On the computer screen Never will you truly know Just how much you mean Some may say it's crazy But I don't really care They could never understand all that we have shared All the nights you've spent with me Felt like you were here Always with an open heart And an open ear I never had to wonder If you truly care Because when I turn on ma computer your words are always there! :lol3:

Last edited by Principe Azheef (2012-10-10 23:18:45)

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