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  2012-11-30 20:56:31

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Re: The Official One Piece Thread

[quote=lLovely.1pis;#311570;1354272291]I'll check that one latur Bdw who's this kinemon you mentioned a while ago ? I thought Jimbei will be the next straw hat crew I'm open to spoilers y'know[/quote] I don't think Jinbei will be the next crew because he can't leave Fishman Island for some reasons and he doesn't want to be part of SH crew. [quote=Principe Azheef;#311577;1354277099]Pokemon? Digimon?[/quote] :lol3: [b]Kinemon[/b] [img][/img] He's a samurai guy that SH pirates found in Punk Hazard. He's looking for his son named Momonosuke that turned into a small dragon. He can be the next crew since he has the same personality that the SH crew has plus he is also a devil fruit user. But I doubt it too because two sowrdsmen are enough in SH pirates, you know, Brook and Zoro. And it looks like he's just going to travel with the SH pirates for a while just like what Vivi did in Alabasta Arc. Well anyway, if you ask me, I want him to be the next SH crew. An additional crazy and funny crew of Luffy. :lol2: Just want to know your comments regarding the next SH crew since Kinemon has the potential. :lol:

Last edited by kite (2012-11-30 20:56:50)

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