[quote=lLovely.1pis;#311570;1354272291]I'll check that one latur
Bdw who's this kinemon you mentioned a while ago ? I thought Jimbei will be the next straw hat crew
I'm open to spoilers y'know[/quote]
I don't think Jinbei will be the next crew because he can't leave Fishman Island for some reasons and he doesn't want to be part of SH crew.
[quote=Principe Azheef;#311577;1354277099]Pokemon? Digimon?[/quote]

He's a samurai guy that SH pirates found in Punk Hazard. He's looking for his son named Momonosuke that turned into a small dragon.
He can be the next crew since he has the same personality that the SH crew has plus he is also a devil fruit user. But I doubt it too because two sowrdsmen are enough in SH pirates, you know, Brook and Zoro. And it looks like he's just going to travel with the SH pirates for a while just like what Vivi did in Alabasta Arc. Well anyway, if you ask me, I want him to be the next SH crew. An additional crazy and funny crew of Luffy.

Just want to know your comments regarding the next SH crew since Kinemon has the potential.
Last edited by kite (2012-11-30 20:56:50)