[quote=kite;#311757;1354345816]I mean, yeah he's really strong but there's sth that he lacks to be a SH crew.[/quote]
He didn't possess some characteristics that other SH crew have.

And mebe he can't get along wit them since Jimbei is a lil bit serious while Luffy and the others are crazy and funneh

[quote=kite;#311757;1354345816]And isn't that odd that his bounty is higher than the captain?[/quote]
Amen to this

But I reli want it to be him since he's always there for Luffy

[quote=kite;#311757;1354345816]Kinemon will appear most probably 2 or 3 episodes to go right after they reach Punk Hazard.[/quote]
I think that would be after monthssssss [i]pa[/i].