[quote=kitsune11;#322888;1365635638]Dude, you're kinda weird. Peace.[/quote]
Hahahaha it's okay. I like weird

[quote=aya;#322900;1365643966]Are you like one of those guys who doesn't like people touching their hair?[/quote]
Weirdly, no. I don't mind when people touch my hair. I just get conscious about it sometimes, thinking if it's already too long or too shortly-trimmed

[quote=aya;#322900;1365643966]I kind of understand! When a girl's hair is all tied up and there are these tiny strands of hair on her (white) nape. So cute yet seductive. HAHAHA. K. That sounded gay.[/quote]
Someone caught my drift! [i]So cute yet seductive.[/i] Thanks for helping me explain. And nope, that didn't sound gay to me at all

Boys, do you like girls with pouty lips?[/quote]
What do you mean by pouty lips though? Are you talking about the pouty lips pose or something?