[quote=bobcbar;#323006;1365679695]if she is really small then A cup is super nice

That's because "rly small" girls are like 12 therefore their boobies are still non-existent.

[quote=bobcbar;#323006;1365679695]Some guys

I've done it before in my younger years

That's so weird. I mean, I dunno with other girls but I don't look at a guy's crouch.

Out of curiosity, what kind of stuff do you put in there?

[quote=bobcbar;#323006;1365679695]What does a diet have to do with a girls face

I prefer girls that have that natural look, not a ton of makeup to cover it up. Pimples, scares, and blishes are all part of a natural look.[/quote]
Oh no, you got my question wrong.

I was asking about [i]you[/i].
*scars and blemishes. xD
[quote=Tres;#322958;1365666742]And nope, that didn't sound gay to me at all

Rly? I thought I kinda sounded lesby. :xixi

yes, we do. At least I think most of us do. Pouty lips are attractive, not to mention seductive, and it's like a psychological magnet that'd make me think of a kiss

Jolie lips = good.
Duck face = bad.

[url=http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSzT75alXw96nA_rOPqOuwIJwZZvSVx0XEd7QFcq1hbK85hiyKk]Flat chested[/url] or [url=http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQZxi8jqRTs8GvnGIVUgcx1EedPjyYPemqzNvIGNoCOkoIimIe5]melon boobies[/url]?