Nahhh, they're aight.
It's not like they're gonna hurt you since this is the online world (DUHHH -- unless you're so emotionally attached to that "pixelated entity" but whatever, emotions change
). I used to make a big deal out of posers, but now I realize...I don't really care
Before I was just mad because I was looking at the person/my friend's face. Not the fact that my friend is awesome and really fun to talk to. I mean, it's cool. That's what technology does to you; it's all the image.
Also, why would [i]I[/i] want to put my [u]real[/u] identity out there?
I have illegal papers and I met someone online (I used my real name, etc) I found out he just lives a few miles away from my area, so he literally started following me everywhere I went. Expect people to lie to you online. This is also the reason why I hate buying things online because I'm not sure if it's a scam or not. But I take a leap of faith and hope that I get what I paid for
If I want people to be real to me, then I would have to meet them in person and form a relationship with them by spending time with them and getting to know them.
If other people want to be posers then by golly let them be
It's not like they can kill you ((=