alex is MIA hahaha. man he has a lot of answering to do

whyyyy am I in ur questions? do you like me? hahahahaha [i]feelingera lang[/i] just kdding

1. if you're stuck in an island who wud u take instead? aya or paw?
2. what's the #1 rule ud implement if ure the admin?
3. do u play mmorpg?
4. if u can be any british actor, who and why?
5. if ure a girl, who among the ftalkers ud prefer to date?
6. what's the worst lie you've ever said?
7. Would paw pass as ur dream girl?
8. if you'd date paw, where would u take her?
9. are you single?
10. name ur top 5 ft crushes and list it by rank
Last edited by PUSH (2014-03-31 21:27:40)