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 Megumi Kairi
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Re: Tres

[quote=Tres;#390708;1396358817]to be a mafia boss yeah I know that's imposibru[/quote] [quote=Tres;#390708;1396358817]but why are you giving me dares, bianx? I can't dance. At all.[/quote] [quote=Tres;#390708;1396358817]please don't make it obvious that I'm talentless I can't draw either hahaha[/quote] [quote=Tres;#390708;1396358817]but I can't sing![/quote] I love One more chance too! I watched it like 100 times and I will still watch it like a thousand more hahahahahahaha!!!! what's your fav part of that movie? mine is when janus tried to kill himself then popoy told him to be strong because there will be someone better who'll come to his life. gash i am about to cry just typing that hahahahaha! I dont know if starting over again is available in torrent now.. But you know, one more chance is 20% better than that movie hahaha though starting over again has this kick to the audience. Why do you like to be a mafia boss? To rule over the world? :lol3: Why are you so talentless?! :lol3: hahahahahaha So in your opinion, what is your talent? :lol3: Can't you just post a vid here of you doing a gwiyomi? :lol3: :lol3: :um: puhleease.. [quote=Tres;#390708;1396358817]I crashed into their party borrowed a suit jacket from a friend, and took her to the dance floor. That was after we had an LQ, so while we were dancing, I apologised to her, told her genuine stuff, and the rest is history[/quote] This one's sweeeeet!!! will you ever do it to paw if you will end up being bfgf? :xixi: And... If you were isaac of tfios, can you still play video games like him? :lol2: What is your first impression when you first saw tfio's trailer? How did you know about tfios? [spoiler]I will just share this thing to you beacause if you will ask me, [i]hahahahaha ang daldal ko sorry[/i], hmm, the only book I have finished from cover to cover is tfios. And i really really really love that story! I have just accidentally borrowed that book from my friend because i am borrowing 50 shades.. but, it was first borrowed by our other friend so she told me na "you borrow this book first, it's nice. read it first then i'll lend you 50 shades when she's (our other friend) is done with it" I am not a book worm. And I am too lazy to read, first few chapters then done. But when I read tfios, first few chapters palang it caught me na then ayun. After few months or weeks, i learned there will be a movie of it, so [i]parang ang feeling ko, destiny ba itetch. chos! :lol3: :lol3: wala lang share lang sorry naman[/i] :lol3: :)[/spoiler]

Last edited by bianx (2014-04-01 21:36:11)

Principe Azheef
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Re: Tres

It totally rockz...waaaakakaaa you re in ftw Sir howz life been pogi dude? Rofl...btw I love writin too...but poems not much of ma fav...I could tell you re doin brilliant in your writin...keep it up...all the best dudey! :lol3:
 Aya Shirayuki
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Re: Tres

[quote=Tres;#390836;1396400139]- Hazel, I can only use one hand remember. My other arm's still on cast :lol3: you read palms??[/quote] I can also read cast. :lol3::lol3: Actually, my expertise lies in love fortune telling using cards. :plotting: Wowwww so cool, your arm is still on cast. I wanna seeeeeeeeeeeee. :lol3: [quote=Tres;#390836;1396400139]-Belle - her honesty and grammar -Pawws - sense of humour! -Chaw - her love for dogs -Glenice - dedication to books -Clare - definitely music taste[/quote] Wow. I love the descriptions. Very thoughtful. [quote=Tres;#390836;1396400139]Maybe SM Baguio. Iyakan na ituuuuuuuuu[/quote] Thought you guna watch it somewhere in Mla? :lol: [quote=Tres;#390836;1396400139]Oh I don't wear close neck. So button-down.[/quote] Oh. When I said closed neck uhmm, I meant round necks, v necks, normal tees. :lol2: Not turtle necks. [quote=Tres;#390836;1396400139]In my opinion it's the 90s[/quote] We have the same opinion. Why do you think it's the 90s? :lol: [quote=Tres;#390836;1396400139]I can't answer this :lol3:[/quote] Why not? :lol3::lol3: Can't answer it even as a joke? :xixi: [quote=Tres;#390836;1396400139]Their [b]talkative[/b] and nurturing nature.[/quote] I am pretty sure most guys would hate the first one. [quote=Tres;#390836;1396400139]Hey guyyys I'll answer the questions later on. I have to go to school :lol2:[/quote] Quit school until your week is done. HAHAHAHAHAA. loljk.

Last edited by aya (2014-04-02 00:31:36)

 Alex III
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Re: Tres

[quote=PUSH;#390804;1396377738]Im serious with those job interview questions tho :lol:[/quote] what am I applying for then? :lol2: [quote=sarcastickidsoldier;#390807;1396383398]If you will torture paw, how?[/quote] Have her tied to a tree upside down like a pinata :turbopoke: [quote=PUSH;#390808;1396383521]What is the essence of being a woman?[/quote] Push, you ask the most Miss Universe type of questions I am laughing in here :lol3::lol3: [quote=Pawws;#390809;1396383666]What kind of pets have you had?[/quote] I've had a dog, a turtle, and a guinea pig that didn't last three days. [quote=aya;#390810;1396384359]How do you make love to a woman?[/quote] Well how do we make love to our significant other? :lol3: I can't give you a straight answeeeeer!
 Aya Shirayuki
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Re: Tres

[quote=Tres;#390939;1396446022]Well how do we make love to our significant other? :lol3: I can't give you a straight answeeeeer![/quote] Just respond like it was some visual novel. :lol3::lol3: Is your internet okay now? Last time you answered like 100 questions. I'm pretty sure coz we all had like 20+ questions each. :xixi:
 Alex III
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Re: Tres

@bianx [spoiler][quote=bianx;#390838;1396402528]what's your fav part of that movie? mine is when janus tried to kill himself then popoy told him to be strong because there will be someone better who'll come to his life. gash i am about to cry just typing that hahahahaha![/quote] My fav part of the movie is every scene JLC broke down :lol3: especially that part when she thought Basha and Mark are already together. It's just heartbreaking realizing that Popoy's reaction to the breakup is very realistic. I don't want to have my heart broken that much. It looks very traumatic. And yeah I liked your fav part too! Popoy's monologue was brilliant with all the subtle "patama" he mentioned :lol3: [quote=bianx;#390838;1396402528]Why do you like to be a mafia boss? To rule over the world? :lol3: [b]Why are you so talentless?![/b] :lol3: hahahahahaha So in your opinion, what is your talent? :lol3: Can't you just post a vid here of you doing a gwiyomi? :lol3: :lol3: :um: puhleease..[/quote] BIANX ARAY HA. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAA about the mafia.. because then I'd be the boss :lol3: it's adrenaline-inducing, thinking that my life is in danger and I can get assassinated any time of the day. I like the mafia danger. My talent is writing, nothing else. I can't gwiyomi because [i]mag gwiyomi ayon sa ganda[/i] and I'm not maganda =( [quote=bianx;#390838;1396402528]will you ever do it to paw if you will end up being bfgf? :xixi:[/quote] Is dancing her thing? And she's out of college, right? So I might have to think of a different surprise. [quote=bianx;#390838;1396402528]And... If you were isaac of tfios, can you still play video games like him? :lol2: What is your first impression when you first saw tfio's trailer? How did you know about tfios?[/quote] I can't, but I'd want to try. That's what Augustus and I did together, so the video games will be my outlet everytime I think "man, I miss my best bud." My first impression of it: heartbreaking. My first reaction: sob. (That "I am a grenade" part hit me so hard, bianca. It's so painfuuuuul!) I knew about TFiOS when I looked up John Green's other novels when I read Looking For Alaska. I didn't want to read it at first, because it's about cancer and I thought it was going to be uber melodramatic. [quote]Go ahead and be madaldal! I don't mind, really. It's about TFiOS din naman so I'm all ears :lol3: You're friend gave you the right timing to read the book hahahahahahahahha but do you think you'd have preferred not reading it before seeing it in the movies? You know, to preserve the surprise? [i]Kase kung ako, kung pinanood ko yun nang di pa nababasa libro baka hashtag bigti nako sa sinehan[/i] hahahahahaha you picked the right book to be your first finished book ever :lol3: [i]pogi ni Augustus noh?!! amp[/i][/quote] [/spoiler] [hr] [quote=Principe Azheef;#390844;1396404750]It totally rockz...waaaakakaaa you re in ftw Sir howz life been pogi dude? Rofl...btw I love writin too...but poems not much of ma fav...I could tell you re doin brilliant in your writin...keep it up...all the best dudey! :lol3:[/quote] Poems are difficuuuult! I wanna master it but I can't but I just keep on trying but damn those rhymes and syllable limits shit :lol3: thanks man! [hr] [quote=aya;#390859;1396410279]Wow. I love the descriptions. Very thoughtful.[/quote] Is this sarcasm HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAA [quote=aya;#390859;1396410279]Thought you guna watch it somewhere in Mla? :lol:[/quote] We picked Baguio because it's between Mla and Ilocos. We decided we're going to watch it in a place where no one knows us. Because if we watched it in Manila, she can be bombarded by her work and if it's in Ilocos, school's going to be an istorbo too. Is it really going to premiere in August here in the Phils? Is there an explanation to the premiere delay? [quote=aya;#390859;1396410279]Oh. When I said closed neck uhmm, I meant round necks, v necks, normal tees. :lol2: Not turtle necks.[/quote] Aeh, my bad :lol2: I'll wear normal tees. The plain v-neck ones. [quote=aya;#390859;1396410279]Why not? :lol3::lol3: Can't answer it even as a joke? :xixi:[/quote] Because I'm going to say me out of vanity :lol3: [quote=aya;#390859;1396410279]I am pretty sure most guys would hate the first one.[/quote] Well there's always a limit to it, right? But it's better than trying to engage into a conversation with someone who doesn't help you carry it. I mean, it's going to be awkward. And thru this, I get to hear stories. I like listening to stories. [quote=aya;#390859;1396410279]Quit school until your week is done. HAHAHAHAHAA. loljk.[/quote] Do not tempt me, Hazel :aaa:
 Alex III
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Re: Tres

[quote=aya;#390941;1396446340]Just respond like it was some visual novel. :lol3::lol3:[/quote] I might end up writing something that's similar to a smut and that's going to get me killed HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA [quote=aya;#390941;1396446340]Is your internet okay now? Last time you answered like 100 questions. I'm pretty sure coz we all had like 20+ questions each. :xixi:[/quote] It's okay now. Yeah I noticed and it gave me stress. You guys are great interviewers. Being the FTW is giving me the trauma HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
 Aya Shirayuki
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Re: Tres

[quote=Tres;#390944;1396446905]I might end up writing something that's similar to a smut and that's going to get me killed HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA[/quote] Actually, that's what I was hoping for. HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA. [quote=Tres;#390944;1396446905]It's okay now. Yeah I noticed and it gave me stress. You guys are great interviewers. Being the FTW is giving me the trauma HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA[/quote] Since it's okay, we'll give you lotsa questions again tmr. :xixi: That's like the go signal hahahahhaa.
 Alex III
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Re: Tres

[quote=aya;#390948;1396448132]Actually, that's what I was hoping for. HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA.[/quote] The only time I'll write a smut in here is when I decided to pimp myself to the ladies. aka never gunna happen, my dear :run: [quote=aya;#390948;1396448132]Since it's okay, we'll give you lotsa questions again tmr. :xixi: That's like the go signal hahahahhaa.[/quote] Wait I was talking about my internet in the okay part HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAA I have no other choice than to brace myself for your long list of questions again, have I?
 Megumi Kairi
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Re: Tres

Oh yeah, i liked that part of one more chance too. What's your opinion about basha breaking up with popoy just because she's finding herself? Isnt it okay to find herself with popoy around her? Right? She should have just told popoy what she wanted then id bet popoy will accept that. That is my opinion though. Hahahahaha about heart breaks, so, you havent experienced that kind of heartbreak huh? So you havent been in love so bad. Ooooh. So how about the one who friendzoned you? Didnt you love her so much? Hahahahaha sorry for the questions. XD Im just kidding about you being talentless hahahahahahaha! :lol3: so in your opinion what is your talent? Xixixixi Well, for me at first, i thought the actors for tfios is kind of older? I mean, they should have aged 16-19 atleast. But, on the other hand, i guess maybe because there is a bed scene that is why they got older actors so it will not be awkward for minors hahahaha. I liked the okays part. Huhuhuhu! Ikr. It is so masakit. Haha! Ok no gwiyomis.. But can i have a fan sign atleast? :xixi: no fan sign no talent. :lol3: joke uli :xixi: i hope i dont annoy you by these long questions hehehe :) and requests hahaha

Last edited by bianx (2014-04-02 10:39:26)

 Alex III
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Re: Tres

[quote=bianx;#390956;1396449488]What's your opinion about basha breaking up with popoy just because she's finding herself? Isnt it okay to find herself with popoy around her? Right? She should have just told popoy what she wanted then id bet popoy will accept that. That is my opinion though.[/quote] If I were Basha, I'd break up with Popoy too. Especially during those times when Popoy doesn't pull his shit together. He dictates stuff and in my opinion, there were times when he wasn't appreciating her enough. So I can't really blame Basha for breaking Popoy's heart because he was also breaking hers when they were still together. Popoy is either distracted or [i]too[/i] focused on Basha. There's no in between. That's how I see Popoy :lol3: [quote=bianx;#390956;1396449488]about heart breaks, so, you havent experienced that kind of heartbreak huh? So you havent been in love so bad. Ooooh. So how about the one who friendzoned you? Didnt you love her so much? Hahahahaha sorry for the questions. XD[/quote] Please don't be sorry :lol3: hahahaha it's not that! The one who friendzoned me.. we're still together hehehehe and i'm in-love with her. My past romantic relationships didn't have dramatic breakups like Popoy and Basha, that's why I said I haven't experienced that kind of heartbreak :lol3: have you though? [i]Parang hugot din to ah bianx[/i] :lol3: [quote=bianx;#390956;1396449488]Im just kidding about you being talentless hahahahahahaha! :lol3: so in your opinion what is your talent? Xixixixi[/quote] Writing :lol3: it's my one and only talent (wait, is sports considered a talent?) hahahahahahahhaa [quote=bianx;#390956;1396449488]Well, for me at first, i thought the actors for tfios is kind of older? I mean, they should have aged 16-19 atleast. But, on the other hand, i guess maybe because there is a bed scene that is why they got older actors so it will not be awkward for minors hahahaha. I liked the okays part. Huhuhuhu! Ikr. It is so masakit. Haha![/quote] Yeah that's almost always the issue with film adaptations and tv shows, right? The actors are older than the character they play as :lol3: hahahaha awkward, yes! but the cast was perfect and it was said by John Green himself. Besides, Ansel and Shailene are very attractive and they can look young I mean look at their acting :love: [quote=bianx;#390956;1396449488]Ok no gwiyomis.. But can i have a fan sign atleast? :xixi: no fan sign no talent. :lol3: joke uli :xixi: i hope i dont annoy you by these long questions hehehe :) and requests hahaha[/quote] Biaaaanx, you don't annoy me. Relax, it's totally okay :lol3:
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Re: Tres

[quote=Tres;#390836;1396400139]watdapak ahahahaha i don't have one[/quote] Why? :lol: dont be shy, spill it :eh::lol3:
 Aya Shirayuki
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Re: Tres

[quote=Tres;#390951;1396448907]The only time I'll write a smut in here is when I decided to pimp myself to the ladies. aka never gunna happen, my dear :run:[/quote] Pussy. :disgust: [quote=Tres;#390951;1396448907]Wait I was talking about my internet in the okay part HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAA I have no other choice than to brace myself for your long list of questions again, have I?[/quote] Yes. Heyyyyy lemme see your cast demmit. :lol3::lol3:
 Megumi Kairi
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Re: Tres

Really.. But imagine if basha just told popoy to just stop dictating her and just let her decide for her own, right? Basha is the rpoblem not popoy ok?! Hahahahahaha! Jk. Idk., ok that's your opinion though :xixi: Oooooooooh. Alright! So you're still together pala ni ms.friendzoner hahahaha! Ayi kilig naman. :xixi: so if she break up with you you would be like the popoy of reality? :plotting: :lol2: i wish you two all the best! I bet she's pretty and witty and nice and humorous. :yes: So okay where's my fan sign alright? :snob: :lol: Yeah... I guess the casts were perfect for the movie. Though i dont know if i can watch it. I guess i will just cry and cry and cry because i know what will happen next. Hahahah. So i am thinking like 100x if im gonna watch it on big screen because i might not finish the film and might waste my money cos i may have this 'walk out' tendency if i cant take crying so hard like idk.. I just imagined myself like that so... Maybe id wait for the dvd then? Or wait it on hbo :lol3: and btw., have you watched divergent? My friend who lend me tfios told me to watch divergent with her. I hope it's her libre :lol3: what's with this story?
 Alex III
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Re: Tres

[quote=sarcastickidsoldier;#390980;1396452502]Why? :lol: dont be shy, spill it :eh::lol3:[/quote] But I really don't have one. I am an angel HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA [quote=aya;#390988;1396453524]Pussy. :disgust:[/quote] :pet: [quote=aya;#390988;1396453524]Heyyyyy lemme see your cast demmit. :lol3::lol3:[/quote] Noooooooo it is so wa-poise. It'll be gone tomorrow though yeheyyy
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Re: Tres

[quote=Tres;#390992;1396454332]But I really don't have one. I am an angel HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA[/quote] LOOOOOOOOOOOL lies. :lol3: jk Did you ever tried to cheat on your girlfriend? :xixi:
 Aya Shirayuki
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Re: Tres

[quote=Tres;#390992;1396454332]Noooooooo it is so wa-poise.[/quote] Just your cast wtf? :lol3: Just wanna see how it looks like on your arm hahahahaha. [quote=sarcastickidsoldier;#390996;1396454663]Did you ever tried to cheat on your girlfriend? :xixi:[/quote] Yeaaa. With an ftalker? :lol3: loljk.
 Alex III
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Re: Tres

But do you think Popoy will listen to her? I don't think he will. Hahahahaha they're both the problem! They both had faults. But thinking about it, they needed the breakup too, right? They realized so much after the breakup. Look at them in the end of the movie. So beautiful :love: Well she can't Basha me because I am not a Popoy to her HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA [quote=bianx;#390991;1396454198]So okay where's my fan sign alright? :snob: :lol:[/quote] [img][/img] Ain't gun' do it bianx :xixi: [quote=bianx;#390991;1396454198]i might not finish the film and might waste my money cos i may have this 'walk out' tendency if i cant take crying so hard like idk.. I just imagined myself like that so...[/quote] don't walk out on tfios! cry your heart out in the movies, you aren't going to be the only one sobbing hahahahahahaha the whole theater will mourn together :lol2: besides, the dvd will be released looooong after the premiere. You'll be left behind! So go see it in the movies and wait for other people's reactions too hahahaha I haven't seen nor read divergent. I don't know what it's about. Damn :lol3:
 Megumi Kairi
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Re: Tres

At talagang may gif? :lol3: y not. U have no talent talaga hmp. Okay then may we take a glimpse of ms friendzoner of yours? :xixi: Maybe.. I dont knw. I cant understand breakups with second chances anyway :lol3: why separate if you would still go back to him/her. Ohhh. So what kind of loveydovey r u? :xixi: I thought you have read it already since you love reading. Hahahaha ok then thanks. Hmmm, still thinking about tfios it's ok to be left behind with the movie. I loved tfios first before anyone does :lol3: so no hard feelings if i wont watch the movie by now :lol2:
 Aya Shirayuki
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Re: Tres

[quote=Tres;#390943;1396446737]Is this sarcasm HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAA[/quote] NO. Fuck, no. :lol3: [quote=Tres;#390943;1396446737]Is it really going to premiere in August here in the Phils? Is there an explanation to the premiere delay?[/quote] Augustus Waters is limping his ass to PH and Hazel Grace is dragging an oxygen tank so it's kinda slowing them down. :thumbsup: [hr][hr][hr] 1. Who is Belle's crush? :lol2: 2. What do you smell like? 3. Do you lick your fingers after eating finger foods (like spaghetti and tinola HAHHAHAHAA JOWK) 4. What do you think of people who have crushes when they're already in a relationship? 5. What makes you think you're romantic? 6. Do you know who Taiga is? I feel like it's chaw. HAHAHA. Do you agree? 7. Do you talk fast or slow? 8. If you guna raep a guy in FT, who's it guna be and why? 9. Have you ever question your sexuality? 10. Which is worse, lying or stealing? 11. @mention three ftalkers who you wanna be close with except for 7DS peeps, belle and dondon. 12. What do you hate about your face? 13. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? 14. What do you think would happen to you here in FT if we didn't become friends? :lol: 15. Do you think that zhummies is [i]the[/i] one? 16. Can you sleep on the floor without pillows, blankets and stuff? 17. If we got trapped in an abandoned building due to an earthquake and I died, are you going to eat me to survive? :lol3: 18. Who is your favorite FT loveteam? 19. What will make you call a girl "maarte"? 20. Have you already experienced SOP/cybersex or dirty texting?

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