[spoiler][quote=bianx;#390838;1396402528]what's your fav part of that movie? mine is when janus tried to kill himself then popoy told him to be strong because there will be someone better who'll come to his life. gash i am about to cry just typing that hahahahaha![/quote]
My fav part of the movie is every scene JLC broke down

especially that part when she thought Basha and Mark are already together. It's just heartbreaking realizing that Popoy's reaction to the breakup is very realistic. I don't want to have my heart broken that much. It looks very traumatic. And yeah I liked your fav part too! Popoy's monologue was brilliant with all the subtle "patama" he mentioned

[quote=bianx;#390838;1396402528]Why do you like to be a mafia boss? To rule over the world?

[b]Why are you so talentless?![/b]

hahahahahaha So in your opinion, what is your talent?

Can't you just post a vid here of you doing a gwiyomi?

BIANX ARAY HA. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAA about the mafia.. because then I'd be the boss

it's adrenaline-inducing, thinking that my life is in danger and I can get assassinated any time of the day. I like the mafia danger. My talent is writing, nothing else. I can't gwiyomi because [i]mag gwiyomi ayon sa ganda[/i] and I'm not maganda

[quote=bianx;#390838;1396402528]will you ever do it to paw if you will end up being bfgf?

Is dancing her thing? And she's out of college, right? So I might have to think of a different surprise.
[quote=bianx;#390838;1396402528]And... If you were isaac of tfios, can you still play video games like him?

What is your first impression when you first saw tfio's trailer?
How did you know about tfios?[/quote]
I can't, but I'd want to try. That's what Augustus and I did together, so the video games will be my outlet everytime I think "man, I miss my best bud." My first impression of it: heartbreaking. My first reaction: sob. (That "I am a grenade" part hit me so hard, bianca. It's so painfuuuuul!) I knew about TFiOS when I looked up John Green's other novels when I read Looking For Alaska. I didn't want to read it at first, because it's about cancer and I thought it was going to be uber melodramatic.
[quote]Go ahead and be madaldal! I don't mind, really. It's about TFiOS din naman so I'm all ears

You're friend gave you the right timing to read the book hahahahahahahahha but do you think you'd have preferred not reading it before seeing it in the movies? You know, to preserve the surprise? [i]Kase kung ako, kung pinanood ko yun nang di pa nababasa libro baka hashtag bigti nako sa sinehan[/i] hahahahahaha you picked the right book to be your first finished book ever

[i]pogi ni Augustus noh?!! amp[/i][/quote]
[quote=Principe Azheef;#390844;1396404750]It totally rockz...waaaakakaaa you re in ftw Sir Tres....Congratz...so howz life been pogi dude? Rofl...btw I love writin too...but poems not much of ma fav...I could tell you re doin brilliant in your writin...keep it up...all the best dudey!

Poems are difficuuuult! I wanna master it but I can't but I just keep on trying but damn those rhymes and syllable limits shit

thanks man!
[quote=aya;#390859;1396410279]Wow. I love the descriptions. Very thoughtful.[/quote]
[quote=aya;#390859;1396410279]Thought you guna watch it somewhere in Mla?

We picked Baguio because it's between Mla and Ilocos. We decided we're going to watch it in a place where no one knows us. Because if we watched it in Manila, she can be bombarded by her work and if it's in Ilocos, school's going to be an istorbo too. Is it really going to premiere in August here in the Phils? Is there an explanation to the premiere delay?
[quote=aya;#390859;1396410279]Oh. When I said closed neck uhmm, I meant round necks, v necks, normal tees.

Not turtle necks.[/quote]
Aeh, my bad

I'll wear normal tees. The plain v-neck ones.
[quote=aya;#390859;1396410279]Why not?

Can't answer it even as a joke?

Because I'm going to say me out of vanity

[quote=aya;#390859;1396410279]I am pretty sure most guys would hate the first one.[/quote]
Well there's always a limit to it, right? But it's better than trying to engage into a conversation with someone who doesn't help you carry it. I mean, it's going to be awkward. And thru this, I get to hear stories. I like listening to stories.
[quote=aya;#390859;1396410279]Quit school until your week is done. HAHAHAHAHAA. loljk.[/quote]
Do not tempt me, Hazel