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Re: Tres

Hey book buddy, how are you? :lol2: Congrats! :) Questions: Your TFiOS favorite scene and why? How old are you when you had your first girlfriend? What's you height? What's your favorite subject? Do you read manga?
 Alex III
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Re: Tres

[quote=sarcastickidsoldier;#390996;1396454663]Did you ever tried to cheat on your girlfriend? :xixi:[/quote] I went on a date with someone else for Valentine's Day last year. I've never been more ashamed of my actions. [quote=aya;#390998;1396455083]Yeaaa. With an ftalker? :lol3: loljk.[/quote] HAHAHAHA nahh, havent got it on with any ftalker :lol3: [quote=bianx;#391006;1396455994]U have no talent talaga hmp. Okay then may we take a glimpse of ms friendzoner of yours? :xixi:[/quote] She's the derpy woman photo I put in response to [url=]one of aya's questions[/url] :lol3: [quote=bianx;#391006;1396455994]why separate if you would still go back to him/her.[/quote] That's why there's a cool-off, right? The relationship isn't working so there's got to be some space. For both parties to figure out what they really want. It also gets rid of the tension eh, or pressure. I think it's an advantage. I mean, yung mga couples na nagkabalikan, I think they have an advantage where they already know which mistakes to avoid doing before they let history repeat itself. I think breakups make us more mature. It's just that, it's not always that case :lol3: [quote=bianx;#391006;1396455994]So what kind of loveydovey r u? :xixi:[/quote] I'm the kind that will make lambing to you when you're tampo but will also demand for your lambing if I'm the one making tampo :lol3: I can write you stuff, profess to you in my own words, take you to places, text you every morning and every night of everyday (without crossing the line of being makulit :lol2:) [quote=bianx;#391006;1396455994]I thought you have read it already since you love reading.[/quote] I love reading but I have issues with series :lol3: I love stand-alones. The only series I ever read were Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, and The Heroes of Olympus. [quote=aya;#391041;1396467746]Augustus Waters is limping his ass to PH and Hazel Grace is dragging an oxygen tank so it's kinda slowing them down. :thumbsup:[/quote] [spoiler]You mean [i]if[/i] Augustus Waters was alive =([/spoiler] [hr] [quote=aya;#391041;1396467746][b]1. Who is Belle's crush? :lol2:[/b] - I have no idea who. I AM NOT BELLE HAHAHAHA [spoiler][b]2. What do you smell like?[/b] - omfg :lol3: sometimes I smell like strawberries because of my clothes and sometimes just plain body soap smell. [b]3. Do you lick your fingers after eating finger foods (like spaghetti and tinola HAHHAHAHAA JOWK)[/b] - Spaghetti and tinola are definitely finger foods. Learned something new from Aya, ladies and gents :lol3: I do lick my fingers after eating chichirya and fried chicken. [b]4. What do you think of people who have crushes when they're already in a relationship?[/b] - I think it's pretty normal. Just as long as they don't get into some serious shit business with this crush and stay loyal to the relationship. [b]5. What makes you think you're romantic?[/b] - Mm, my desire to be honest and vocal about my feelings, I guess? And I have the tendency to be surprise-y. Although that doesn't happen all the time. [b]6. Do you know who Taiga is? I feel like it's chaw. HAHAHA. Do you agree?[/b] - Who is Taiga?! [b]7. Do you talk fast or slow?[/b] - I talk slow. And quiet. [b]8. If you guna raep a guy in FT, who's it guna be and why?[/b] - Bram. Especially if I assumed he did have the body of his Doomsday Ftalk counterpart :lol3: [b]9. Have you ever question your sexuality?[/b] - I have never. Which I think is the reason why I have no problems acting gayish or doing feminine stuff. [b]10. Which is worse, lying or stealing?[/b] - Stealing. [b]11. @mention three ftalkers who you wanna be close with except for 7DS peeps, belle and dondon.[/b] - I was gunna put dondon first demmite :lol3: @bianx @ECKAdoodles @mndrl [b]12. What do you hate about your face?[/b] - the fact that I can't grow a beard. [b]13. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?[/b] - I don't know how to answer this because I'm somewhere in between. I take pleasure in activities that involve parties or interaction with people. But I also take pleasure in being a loner. [i]Labo[/i] :lol2: [b]14. What do you think would happen to you here in FT if we didn't become friends? :lol:[/b] - I think I would've been an estranghero :lol3: [b]15. Do you think that zhummies is the one?[/b] - I really hope and think so. [b]16. Can you sleep on the floor without pillows, blankets and stuff?[/b] - Nooooo. I need pillows to hug and a blanket when I sleep. Can't sleep without them. [b]17. If we got trapped in an abandoned building due to an earthquake and I died, are you going to eat me to survive? :lol3:[/b] - Try cannibalism? :lol3: hell no HAHAHAHAHA I'd rather just rot in my corpse in there too. [b]18. Who is your favorite FT loveteam?[/b] - still not over chaw and zheefy [b]19. What will make you call a girl "maarte"?[/b] - when she overreacts over the most simple things. Back in high school I had this classmate whose uniform was splattered by correction pen. She was screaming "OMG! OMG!" and I was so annoyed I walked out of the classroom. [b]20. Have you already experienced SOP/cybersex or dirty texting?[/b] - Yes, I have.[/spoiler][/quote] [hr] [quote=kitsune11;#391049;1396482393]Hey book buddy, how are you? :lol2: Congrats! :) Questions: Your TFiOS favorite scene and why? How old are you when you had your first girlfriend? What's you height? What's your favorite subject? Do you read manga?[/quote] Hahahaha thanks Glenn! My favourite scene in TFiOS.. I can't pick just one :lol3: but I think I will have to choose that scene where Augustus was crying in his car and called Hazel to come get him. So heartbreaking. I was 14 when I had my first girlfriend. Hahahaha my height is closing in on 5'9. My favourite subject is Algebra and English. Aaaand I don't read manga :lol3: well, I only read two. One Piece and Bloody Monday, which was the last manga I read.
 Megumi Kairi
bianx's display avatar
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Re: Tres

[quote=Tres;#391082;1396506250]I went on a date with someone else for Valentine's Day last year. I've never been more ashamed of my actions.[/quote] with whom? and why did you do that? [quote=Tres;#391082;1396506250]That's why there's a cool-off, right? The relationship isn't working so there's got to be some space. For both parties to figure out what they really want. It also gets rid of the tension eh, or pressure. I think it's an advantage. I mean, yung mga couples na nagkabalikan, I think they have an advantage where they already know which mistakes to avoid doing before they let history repeat itself. I think breakups make us more mature. It's just that, it's not always that case[/quote] I do not believe in cool offs :retard: well that's me though. :lol3: i dont know.. I believe that if you want this thing, you should take good care of it no matter how hard it gets. And if you let go of it, you shouldnt say "i should get it back" because.. in the first place, y did you let go of that thing if you want it back afterwards? You can be mature without even breaking up.. like, dont meet your bf/gf for like one week or so?.. then think. and tell him what you want, he/she will surely understand. :lol2: You're sweet pala. Lucky that derpy friendzoner of yours. :xixi: but, im just kinda curious why you did this: I went on a date with someone else for Valentine's Day last year. I've never been more ashamed of my actions.
Pawws's display avatar
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Re: Tres

hello alex haha more q's :lol2: - what is the ftalk badge you want to obtain atm? - what rank would you like to have? - do you think ur pogi? :eh: :lol3: - have you seen all of the princess diaries movies? :lol: - what was your reaction when you found out crystal reed and daniel had broken up?
 Aya Shirayuki
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Re: Tres

@tres Forgive me im on my ipad because friggin laptop's too slow [quote]- omfg sometimes I smell like strawberries because of my clothes and sometimes just plain body soap -[/quote] I think I saw Belle saying she likes guys who smells like strawberries. :xixi: [quote]- Who is Taiga?![/quote] Girl in Toradora. [quote]Yes, I have.[/quote] With? :lol: [hr][hr] Describe these people physically: -belle -pawws -chaw -dondon -rai -pepper -ajcakes -jam -bramzero -des
bubblegum's display avatar
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Re: Tres

Congratulations, Tres!
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Re: Tres

[quote=aya;#391103;1396515346]Describe these people physically: -belle -pawws -chaw -dondon -rai -pepper -ajcakes -jam -bramzero -des[/quote] describe also [i]aya[/i] :xixi:
 Aya Shirayuki
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Re: Tres

^ You're so unoriginal. :fork: [b]Question:[/b] If you suddenly turned into a long haired beautiful woman with pearly white complexion PERMANENTLY, what would you do apart from the normal initial surprise reaction?
des's display avatar
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Re: Tres

...and a few more Qs for you Alex. :lol2: 1) Weirdest things you ever did in your whole life? 2) Do you have any bad trait when you're drunk? 3) Have you ever vomited in public? 4) Are you an alcoholic? 5) What is your reaction on HIMYM series finale? 6) If you're gonna spend a vacation somewhere in PH, where would it be and why? 7) Who are you gonna take (ftalker) on your question 6 trip? 8) John Green book signing or All time Low concert? 9) Aya or Bram? 10) Chaw or Paw? 11) Dondon or Belle? 12) Rai or bianx? 13) Do you smoke? 14) When was the last time you got so high? 15) Is getting laid on top of your priority? 16) Do you believe that Love conquers all? 17) If your Gf asks you to give her a star, would you break up with her or waste your while life trying to get that one thing you know you will never be able to get? 18) Do you think LDR works? 19) Are you willing to give LDR a try? 20) Would Paw be worth a Long Distance Relationship? :eh: :cheers: expect a few more Qs next time.:penguin:
 Alex III
Tres's display avatar
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Re: Tres

[quote=bianx;#391086;1396507566]with whom? and why did you do that?[/quote] with a classmate who liked me. We had a big fight before Valentine's Day. And I had that illogical feeling of not giving a damn about anything and acting recklessly. So I went on a date with the classmate. Although it was a date that was all talk and we didn't have any romantic physical contact, not even holding hands. [quote=bianx;#391086;1396507566]I believe that if you want this thing, you should take good care of it no matter how hard it gets. And if you let go of it, you shouldnt say "i should get it back" because.. in the first place, y did you let go of that thing if you want it back afterwards?[/quote] That's okay. I know people who don't believe in cool-offs either and I totally respect your opinion :d but there are times though, when one moment you're sure about your decision. The next moment, you're not anymore. It's like answering a difficult item in your final exam. You're sure the answer's letter A. But you see your smart seatmate just put letter B. You'll get confused, right? So you go over it. And think, "Maybe that's what's right. Maybe I should go back and fix things." That is, if the one you broke up with would still take you :lol3: [quote=bianx;#391086;1396507566]You can be mature without even breaking up.. like, dont meet your bf/gf for like one week or so?.. then think. and tell him what you want, he/she will surely understand. :lol2:[/quote] But this is similar to a cool off! :lol3::lol3: Like, asking for some space from your bf/gf? I hope you're not talking about disappearing on them because I am going to object and say that is not matured at all :lol3: [quote=Pawws;#391102;1396514739]- what is the ftalk badge you want to obtain atm? - what rank would you like to have? - do you think ur pogi? :eh: :lol3: - have you seen all of the princess diaries movies? :lol: - what was your reaction when you found out crystal reed and daniel had broken up?[/quote] hahahahaha hello Paw! :xixi: Chatterbox. I'm quite satisfied with my badges now though. Hahahahaha. I don't know, I don't care about my rank either. Yes, I do think I'm pogi :cool: There are only two princess diaries movies, right? And the second's where Chris Pine is the leading man? Yeah I have seen both and I loved them. Yay for chick flicks! :lol3: My reaction was, "So how are they going to carry on Allisaac without getting awkward with each other?" :lol2: [quote=aya;#391103;1396515346]I think I saw Belle saying she likes guys who smells like strawberries. :xixi:[/quote] You did? Boy am I lucky :lol3::lol3: [quote=aya;#391103;1396515346]Girl in Toradora.[/quote] I don't have a clue about this HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I'll just say I agree. [quote=aya;#391103;1396515346]With? :lol:[/quote] who else?? :peek: [quote=aya;#391103;1396515346]Describe these people physically: -belle - slim and pale and needs a bit of the sun. [i]Kumakain ka pa ba, Belle?![/i] :lol3: -pawws - she looks very cuddly :lol: like she's the teddy bear I wanna hug till I fall asleep. -chaw - she's pretty. and short. and the kind of pretty girl who doesn't care if she makes unattractive make-faces. don't kill me please. -dondon - lanky pogi dude. yay for lanky dudes bro :lol3: -rai - a head-on japanese imported to pinas -pepper - she looks chinese when she smiles. her eyes turn into slits. -ajcakes - shorter than me hahahaha -jam - a siopao. tanned siopao. her eyes turn to henlin eyes when she laughs. -bramzero - da kapre with some modeling potentials. -des - pretty and curvy. i wish i can say more but I havent seen much of your photos des :lol3: -aya - [b]MAPUTI[/b][/quote] [quote=bubblegum;#391120;1396519799]Congratulations, Tres![/quote] Thanks Belle! [quote=aya;#391160;1396524699]If you suddenly turned into a long haired beautiful woman with pearly white complexion PERMANENTLY, what would you do apart from the normal initial surprise reaction?[/quote] Turn myself into a lesbian so I can still get in on with girls. Unless of course if my thinking changed into that of a woman's. @des this is not few at all :lol3::lol3: [spoiler][quote=des;#391177;1396536405][b]1) Weirdest things you ever did in your whole life?[/b] Oh God I can't think of any.. [b]2) Do you have any bad trait when you're drunk?[/b] I have the tendency to be a perv and too forward when I'm extremely drunk. And too honest, like no sugarcoating stuff. [b]3) Have you ever vomited in public?[/b] I have and it was in a parking lot :lol3: [b]4) Are you an alcoholic?[/b] Yes, I am. [b]5) What is your reaction on HIMYM series finale?[/b] Disappointed. For real :no2: I mean it was like they threw the purpose of the whole series away for that finale. [b]6) If you're gonna spend a vacation somewhere in PH, where would it be and why?[/b] Some resort in mindanao. Because my girl likes beaches. [b]7) Who are you gonna take (ftalker) on your question 6 trip?[/b] I'll take you! You've got wanderlust, haven't you? [b]8) John Green book signing or All time Low concert?[/b] Fak. All Time Low concert. [b]9) Aya or Bram?[/b] Aya. [b]10) Chaw or Paw?[/b] Paw [b]11) Dondon or Belle?[/b] Dondon [b]12) Rai or bianx?[/b] fak :lol3: bianx. [b]13) Do you smoke?[/b] Yes. Tried quitting it back in 3rd year high school. Went back to smoking at age 17. Then tried to quit again. Then smoked again in the second half of 2nd year college (age, 19). [b]14) When was the last time you got so high?[/b] Last March 2012. After a formal party with my friends. I'm two years clean :lol3: [b]15) Is getting laid on top of your priority?[/b] It's not. I don't want to sleep around. [b]16) Do you believe that Love conquers all?[/b] Nope. It doesn't conquer poverty :lol3::lol3: [b]17) If your Gf asks you to give her a star, would you break up with her or waste your while life trying to get that one thing you know you will never be able to get?[/b] Assuming I can't bargain with my gf? I'd rather break up with her. Not because I can't get that one thing I'll never be able to get. But because of the fact that she'll ask me for something like that. [b]18) Do you think LDR works?[/b] Yes, I do. [b]19) Are you willing to give LDR a try?[/b] I am currently in an LDR :lol3: [b]20) Would Paw be worth a Long Distance Relationship? :eh:[/b] Yes. Everyone's worth a Long Distance Relationship until they screw it up :lol3:[/quote] [/spoiler]
bubblegum's display avatar
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Re: Tres

What would make you lose your cool? also, favorite color? :lol2:
 Megumi Kairi
bianx's display avatar
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Re: Tres

[quote=Tres;#391225;1396570942]It's like answering a difficult item in your final exam. You're sure the answer's letter A. But you see your smart seatmate just put letter B. You'll get confused, right? So you go over it. And think, "Maybe that's what's right. Maybe I should go back and fix things."[/quote] That is not a good sample though :lol3: It is like, your cellphone. It is the most precious thing on earth. You always find your cellphone every morning after waking up and every night before sleeping. You can't leave the house without it, and... When you sell your cellphone to other person, you shouldn't say "aaah. wait. that's my cellphone, i can't live without it, just give it back to me ok?" to the new owner of it because you sold it already. I mean.. Ugh :lol3: hirap magenglish :lol3: :lol3: :lol3: anyway, [quote=Tres;#391225;1396570942]But this is similar to a cool off! Like, asking for some space from your bf/gf? I hope you're not talking about disappearing on them because I am going to object and say that is not matured at all[/quote] not totally. So when you say cool off, you dont say "let's cool off" or "let's break-up for a while" ?? I mean, when you tell your bf/gf to "let us not meet for a week or so, but let's text each other alright. let us talk about things" - it's already a cool off? :plotting: hmmm... :lol2: [quote=Tres;#391225;1396570942]with a classmate who liked me. We had a big fight before Valentine's Day. And I had that illogical feeling of not giving a damn about anything and acting recklessly. So I went on a date with the classmate. Although it was a date that was all talk and we didn't have any romantic physical contact, not even holding hands.[/quote] oh okay. have you told lies to your friendzoner lovey? What's the reason behind those lies?

Last edited by bianx (2014-04-04 02:18:50)

rph's display avatar
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Re: Tres

Congrats bro! You were bombarded with funny Q's :lol3: Here's my simple question... [spoiler][i]Neseye ne be eng lehet?[/i] :lol3:[/spoiler]
 Aya Shirayuki
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Re: Tres

[quote=Tres;#391225;1396570942]-aya - MAPUTI[/quote] TROLL. :fork: -- Who do you think is more handsome? You or rph? :lol2:

Last edited by aya (2014-04-04 08:20:36)

Natsume's display avatar
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Re: Tres

Wow aya is maputi :lol2: Do you have any tattoo or do you want to have a tattoo just like rph? :lol:
des's display avatar
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Re: Tres

[spoiler][quote=Tres;#391225;1396570942]-des - pretty and curvy. i wish i can say more but I havent seen much of your photos des :lol3:[/quote] Thanks sa pretty. :lol2: :thumbsup: Dafck with curvy. :facepalm: Sakiit sa bangs. :lol2:[/spoiler] Are you a dog person or a cat person? Do you believe that [b]real men wear pink[/b]? Do you eat [i]papaitan[/i]? Why do birds suddenly appear? :lol2: :eee:
 Aya Shirayuki
aya's display avatar
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Re: Tres

[quote=Natsume;#391344;1396614682]Wow aya is maputi :lol2:[/quote] :fork: Edit: Wait I'll ask questions. I'm like a spammer hahahaha. 1. What is your favorite flavor in -juice -icecream -coffee (Starbucks)

Last edited by aya (2014-04-04 08:53:52)

ninch's display avatar
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Re: Tres

More more more questions :thumbsup: What's the best pizza chain in the philippines? fastfood chain in the philippines? Do you think PNoy is a better president compared to Gloria? Why or why not? What do you think about Kris Aquino and Derek Ramsey's affair? :drool:
 Alex III
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Re: Tres

[quote=bubblegum;#391265;1396579124]What would make you lose your cool? also, favorite color? :lol2:[/quote] People who take out their anger at me. [i]Yung madamay ako sa galit nila[/i] :lol3: Fav colour is gray. [quote=bianx;#391270;1396586960]you shouldn't say "aaah. wait. that's my cellphone, i can't live without it, just give it back to me ok?" to the new owner of it because you sold it already.[/quote] Oh nooo, not that way. but you say, "I miss my cellphone. I wish I didn't sell it in the first place :(" What you're describing is a psychotic ex who thinks he/she can get everything he/she wants. :lol3::lol3: [quote=bianx;#391270;1396586960]I mean, when you tell your bf/gf to "let us not meet for a week or so, but let's text each other alright. let us talk about things" - it's already a cool off?[/quote] Nahh, I think that's called getting it steady. [i]Hindi umaabante, hindi din umaatras.[/i] I thought you were talking about asking for some space and cutting communication for a while :lol3: And in cool-off, teka. Have you tried a cool-off? This is very hard to discuss HAHAHAHAH [quote=bianx;#391270;1396586960]oh okay. have you told lies to your friendzoner lovey? What's the reason behind those lies?[/quote] Just that one Valentine's Day. Told her I'm with friends but I was actually with my classmates. The reason behind that lie was I didn't wanna talk and I was avoiding her that day because of our LQ. I'm always honest with my friendzoner loveydoves. I tell her everything I think she needs to know. @rph [spoiler][quote=rph;#391339;1396613339][i]Neseye ne be eng lehet?[/i] :lol3:[/quote] TANGINA TOL HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAH :lol3::lol3:[/spoiler] [quote=aya;#391340;1396613992]Who do you think is more handsome? You or rph? :lol2:[/quote] Actually I think it's rph. But I'm still gunna answer me. :cool: @Natsume isn't she maputi?! :lol3::lol3: no tattoos. I wanna get a tattoo and I plan too. Probably a big raven piece on my forearm. @des [quote=des;#391346;1396614723][spoiler]Thanks sa pretty. :lol2: :thumbsup: Dafck with curvy. :facepalm: Sakiit sa bangs. :lol2: What I meant by curvy eh may curves like the sexy curves damn female language is hard :lol3::lol3:[/spoiler] Are you a dog person or a cat person? Do you believe that real men wear pink? Do you eat papaitan? Why do birds suddenly appear? :lol2: :eee:[/quote] I'm definitely a dog person. I believe that real men wear pink, yes. I also believe real men wear black. What real men don't wear is douchebagery :lol3: [i]everytiiiime you are neaaaar!~[/i] [quote=aya;#391359;1396615745]1. What is your favorite flavor in -juice -icecream -coffee (Starbucks)[/quote] - grapes - rocky road - java chip frap :yes2::thumbsup: [quote=ninch;#391385;1396620833]What's the best pizza chain in the philippines? fastfood chain in the philippines? Do you think PNoy is a better president compared to Gloria? Why or why not? What do you think about Kris Aquino and Derek Ramsey's affair? :drool:[/quote] For me it's Yellow Cab :lol3: fastfood chain, hands down Mcdo. And noooooope. I don't like PNoy. Not at all. I'd rather tolerate PGMA. I don't wanna explain why because it is going to be so harsh :lol3: Wait I do not know this. They have an affair?! @ninch

Last edited by Tres (2014-04-05 03:48:49)

PUSH's display avatar
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Re: Tres

Not only I congratulate you for being FTW. But i salute you for asking like almost a thousand questions in a week :lol3: If only you have a dollar for every question :lol3:

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