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  2014-04-29 23:58:26

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Re: [Discussion] Game Of Thrones TV series

[quote=Tres;#402771;1398828885]@bubblegum I heard it was Littlefinger?[/quote] That's a possibility because he was able to foresee that Sansa might get into trouble that's why he made a way to have her taken out of the city. It could also be Cersei because she was no longer the Queen since Margaery wedded Joffrey and wanted the throne for herself. It could be Prince Oberyn who wanted revenge against the Lannisters. Also, Shae might have something to do with it to exact vengeance to Tyrion. Gahhh the possibilities are endless! [quote=Tres;#402771;1398828885]I didn't start it last July because I get lazy too, okay?? but now I'm officially a GOT viewe[/quote] okay okay :lol2: which house are you rooting for? [hr][hr][hr] Holy cow, it is indeed Lord Baelish who poisoned the fag! That's why he was MIA in the past episodes....

Last edited by bubblegum (2014-04-30 00:12:14)

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