[quote=Tres;#419108;1404300732]@aya here are your GoT questions HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA[/quote]
OMG. Didn't realize you asked me GoT questions.

I think need a refresher hahahahahaha.

[quote=Tres;#419108;1404300732]Who's your fav character?[/quote]

Because he's so cute especially on Season 1 and I love that he learned how to warg. He's a Stark (my favorite house).
I also like Ygritte but she's dead so yea hahaha.
[quote=Tres;#419108;1404300732]Hated character?[/quote]
Joffrey. Glad he's dead.
Roose Bolton and Walder Frey. they fucking. killed. Robb Stark. Tangina.

[quote=Tres;#419108;1404300732]Do you think Jon Snow's hair is pretty?[/quote]
It suits him so yea I guess.

[quote=Tres;#419108;1404300732]Do you believe that the night is dark and full of terrors?[/quote]
Yes. Tyanaks under the bed and aswangs outside the window.

[quote=Tres;#419108;1404300732]Do you think Jon Snow really does know nothing?[/quote]
No........ He sure hella knows how to eat Ygritte.

[quote=Tres;#419108;1404300732]Don't you think Daenerys locking up her dragons was pretty ironic to her long-assed title Breaker of Chains?[/quote]
It's sad, but what can she do?
[quote=Tres;#419108;1404300732]What could have been a better death of Joffrey?[/quote]
Eaten by walkers.

[quote=Tres;#419108;1404300732]Have you read the books? If not, do you have a theory on what's going to happen in season 5?[/quote]
I haven't read the books. My theory is Daenarys will be Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. The Starks will be her right hand.
[quote=Tres;#419108;1404300732]Who among the characters would you want to date?[/quote]
Jon Snow because he knows what he's doing.

[quote=Tres;#419108;1404300732]Who among the cast would you want to date?[/quote]
Thomas Brodie-Sangster, coz I'm pedo.

[quote=Tres;#419108;1404300732]What is your opinion on the iron throne?[/quote]
Ugly as fuck.

[quote=Tres;#419108;1404300732]What is the most badass line in the entire series?[/quote]
Winter is coming ofc.
[quote=Tres;#419108;1404300732]What is your fav episode?[/quote]
Maybe when Daenarys was able to hatch her eggs. That was badass.
[quote=Tres;#419108;1404300732]What do you think is the best sex scene in the series?[/quote]
Daenarys and Khal Drogo's (ALL!! Even when he was still doing her doggy style hahaha)

[quote=Tres;#419108;1404300732]What was your opinion on Viserys?[/quote]
[quote=Tres;#419108;1404300732]Who do you want to win the iron throne?[/quote]
Daenarys or House Stark. Good prevails.

[quote=Tres;#419108;1404300732]If you had Dany's dragons, would you have taken time to train your dragons

[quote=Tres;#419108;1404300732]Who do you like better? Petyr or Varys?[/quote]
I like Varys coz he's "nicer" but you must admit that Petyr was cleverer.
[quote=Tres;#419108;1404300732]Your favourite lady character? (If it's Daenerys, name a second fav)[/quote]
Last edited by aya (2015-03-25 09:38:02)