[quote=aya;#419005;1404205477]Do they cut the nude scenes in HBO?[/quote]

they didn't show Daario's butt on TV
and the red woman's boobs
@aya here are your GoT questions HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Who's your fav character?
Hated character?
Do you think Jon Snow's hair is pretty?
Do you think Jon Snow really does know nothing?
Do you believe that the night is dark and full of terrors?
Don't you think Daenerys locking up her dragons was pretty ironic to her long-assed title Breaker of Chains?
What could have been a better death of Joffrey?
Have you read the books? If not, do you have a theory on what's going to happen in season 5?
Who among the characters would you want to date?
Who among the cast would you want to date?
What is your opinion on the iron throne?
What is the most badass line in the entire series?
What is your fav episode?
Additional questions:
What do you think is the best sex scene in the series?
What was your opinion on Viserys?
Who do you want to win the iron throne?
If you had Dany's dragons, would you have taken time to train your dragons

haaaay Dany
Who do you like better? Petyr or Varys?
Your favourite lady character? (If it's Daenerys, name a second fav)