[quote=Tres;#402793;1398832942]I've always rooted for the Starks. But my favourite is the Lannisters how about ya?[/quote]
I thought it was already obvious which house i'm rooting for.*coughcheckmynamecough*
[quote=Tres;#402793;1398832942]Joffrey was my fave character next to Khaleesi[/quote]
Why? Do you favor faggotry and cowardice?
And don't worry, i believe there is a house that will appear on the next season that will be 100x far more evil than those of the Lannisters. I believe it's on the sixth installment. I don't wanna search for it because I hate reading spoilers somewhere haha. Just a teaser is fine but I don't want to know what will happen exactly.