[quote=des;#402898;1398864208][quote=bianx;#402889;1398863408]@des nice idea

Well for me, kite is the best man simply because he loves me for what i am and for what i am becoming in some days.

you know like, days/a week before period days

Well,that's good.
What arethe qualities of Kite that you can't stand sometimes?

[quote=bianx;#402889;1398863408]Hwbout you des? Do you have special someone?

Nope I don't have any at the moment.

His choosy-ness with food

like he doesn't want too much of this too much of that, don't even want spaghetti + rice and so much more [i]kaartehan[/i] sometimes

Don't you have any suitors at the moment? Did you have any romantic relationship with any of the ftalker guys? If yes with whom?

if no, who's your ft crush as of today?