[quote=Jirichi;#417468;1402408186]alex why u do this
i want to disappear but can't cus i want to spam kaka's FTW thread
Yesss spam while you can because she's going to get back at you once you're FTW hahahahahahahahh
[quote=aya;#417433;1402382912][b]How did you realized you're in love by then?[/b]
When all I ever think about is him.
It is so awkward to see you talk like this
[quote=aya;#417435;1402385511]and oh yea this too. Coz she's also black.
But that movie was so moving! And musical~
Can't believe there's such a movie as Black Cinderella. Whoopi Goldberg and Whitney Houston hahahhahaha how did you even find out about it? Did someone recommend it to you or was it your family's pick?
Speaking of movies, what's your fave genre?
Are you a critic? Like, is it hard to please you in movies?
Worst, weirdest, and most boring films you've seen?