[quote=bianx;#417669;1402491266][b]Maybe you can throw a party and cook for ftalkers next time

Do you want to die from food poisoning?

[b]I think i meant, if he thought of marrying you tomorrow, will you agree? (Tomorrow will be your wedding day)[/b]
Don't want.
[b]What is your ideal wedding?[/b]
My ideal wedding is not a wedding where I am suppose to spend 300-500k php for 6 months of stress and 1 maybe forgettable day.
[b]Will you invite us to your wedding?[/b]
If you can afford to come, why not?

[quote=Tres;#417670;1402491920]It is so awkward to see you talk like this

So OuT oHF ChaRacTeR PHoWsZ.
[quote=Tres;#417670;1402491920]Did someone recommend it to you or was it your family's pick?[/quote]
Eh? Didn't watch it coz she's black. HAHAHAHHAHAHA.
[quote=Tres;#417670;1402491920]Speaking of movies, what's your fave genre?[/quote]
Horror: Zombie.
Romantic Comedy
[quote=Tres;#417670;1402491920]Are you a critic? Like, is it hard to please you in movies?[/quote]
I don't think I'm hard to please but it's easy to make me hate a movie too.

[quote=Jirichi;#417671;1402491941][b]what's the most memorable moment(s) in ur life?[/b]
I can't think of any memorable moments in my life at the moment hahahahha.
[b]mention ur top 5 female ftalkers[/b]
favorite? closest?
1. Jirichi
2. Des
3. Nina
4. Push
5. Duch
[b]mention ur top 5 male ftalkers[/b]
1. Bram
2. Tres
3. Chan
4. Kite
5. Ed
[b]mention ftalkers u want to meet irl[/b]
Almost everyone I haven't met yet esp. you.

Last edited by aya (2014-06-11 11:33:06)