[quote=akosiloys;#43715;1336296154]LOL. So that means, you can't marry him. Just stick to Onew bby.[/quote]
Kai can be our kid

, and we can jst say that i looked at taemin too much thats wae kai looks like taemin

[quote=akosiloys;#43715;1336296154]Hahahaha no. His aegyo is only for Bacon! xD[/quote]
Eh?.. ChaeKyun love team exist? I thot Baekhyun is for SuHo?

. I are confused.
[quote=akosiloys;#43715;1336296154]I know right. Cool Chanyeol is cool[/quote]
Nuuuu~ Hes not cool. Hes hot, hes so hot fire comes out