[quote=Lynn;#46039;1336353400]Ohh. Where in Bulacan?Yeah. I actually became a fangirl because of my highschool fangirl friends. They dragged me in. Hahaha. And we always have a contest on who will get the new CD first. lol.I think so. I can't find a list of their world tour though, but many says Philippines is on the list.[/quote]
Wae? You live in Bulacan too? I live in Malolos.
You know, my friend that influenced me in KPOP has times when he will talk about KPOP willingly and times when he don't like KPOP and when I talk about KPOP, he's not listening to me. Urrggh, I so hate those times that I really wanted to talk to someone about KPOP and they don't care. You're really lucky to have fangirl friends. T____T
EXO GOT ME. HAHAHA. Now I'm so inlove with Bacon! HAHAHA. Watch out, ChanYeol, you have a rival now.

And for EXO-M, I really like LAY! HAHAHA. He really reminds me of Hey!Say!JUMP's Chinen Yuri. XDDD