[quote=akosiloys;#45141;1336319020]Epic! Hahaha. You should've also watched 2AM when they went here! Haaa. SS3 is so daebak. I can relate! zomgalsdjalskdjasldja.[/quote]
I don't have enough money when 2Am came. OTL
[quote=Lynn;#45149;1336319114]ohh! that's great! a fan girl always has her ways!
did he remove his shirt? any abs scene????[/quote]
There was an "abs scene" but didn't fully saw it because I'm at the side. lmao
[quote=Lynn;#46039;1336353400]I think?? I'ma check later.
Yeah! When TOP sent a letter to a Filipina fangirl, GD also signed it and put in "YG, One Family"[/quote]
[quote=mndrl;#47463;1336383358]TOP sent a letter to a FILIPINA? Lucky fangirl[/quote]
If what I'm thinking is right.. that girl is my friend irl

But it's still under investigation if the letters were real

Lmao because there's this feeling that it was uhmm.. fake?

[quote=AstroBoy;#48046;1336392593]I'm a hardcore sexy sistar and bigbang fan and I don't really pay attention to other groups But i like Hyuna, she is sexy though[/quote]
I like HyunA. She's so hot BABOL BABOL BABOL PAWP!