[quote=Lynn;#52432;1336479525]There are a lot of Koreans studying there right??[/quote]
I don't know. I haven't met any Koreans here. Maybe in Diliman.
[quote=Lynn;#52432;1336479525]Anywho, are there any fans of Dream High 1/2 here?[/quote]
Season 1 is better, for me

I tried watching but I stopped after watching a few parts. I was confused with the story

[quote=HaruhiSDTY;#53275;1336486987]Currently watching EXO's SHOWCASE. WEEEEEE~ ^_~[/quote]
I just watched that

My favorite was the Two Moons perf by Kai, Lay, Kris and Chanyeol

I paused the video before that part though idk why I did that (((=