[quote=Lynn;#54818;1336535859]Yeah. I also found that over the line. Yeah, not even marry, I'd die happy if I even lay my hands on my bias. But, I'm not gonna commit suicide when they marry, I might even be happy for them/him.[/quote]
Or even just have eye contact with our bias is so worth it na.

[quote=Lynn;#54818;1336535859]Good for you, when I start talking about KPop my college friends would start another topic. Haha, but I get them, and that's how we just love each other. HAHA.[/quote]
Oh, that happened to me many times with my bestfriend. He just really don't care, even though he's the one who introduced KPOP to me. Hahaha. I just hate that feeling, I'm so excited about introducing a new group to him but he will laugh at others conversation and I feel so left out. Ugggh. Gonna tear him apart when I see him again. XDDDD
Just wanna share. XDDDD 'SHINee's BACK!' XDDDD Poor Jjong.